Mitosis instead of meiosis

Researchers breed tomato plants that contain the complete genetic material of both parent plants more

Rice with a high protein content developed

Researchers are breeding protein-rich rice varieties that cause minimal increase in blood sugar levels more

Key facts on the impact of fungal infestations on global food security

Fungal diseases are likely to occur more frequently in cultivated plants due to climate change more


New technology saves the lives of patients with fatal skin reactions
Spatial proteomics provides therapeutic approach for patients with toxic epidermal necrolysis
Substance against rare form of cancer discovered
Researchers have patented the active ingredient against gastrointestinal stromal tumors and licensed it to a pharmaceutical company
Researchers can measure distances in molecules optically
MINFLUX microscopy allows the determination of distances within biomolecules using an optical microscope


A first-class doctoral training
The International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS) have been an integral part of our support for doctoral students since 2000, giving talented students the opportunity to do their doctorate under excellent conditions
The Postdoc Phase: Springboard after the Doctorate
Completed your doctorate and looking to advance in science, business, or society—or start your own company? If excellent research is key to your goals, the Max Planck Society is the place for you.

Job Offers

Three postdoctoral positions (m/f/d) in Astrochemistry (Observations, Laboratory, Modelling)

Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching
October 17, 2024

DevOps Engineer (m/f/d) | Center for Humans and Machines

Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin
October 16, 2024

Student Helper (m/f/d) | Culture and Integration

Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden
October 16, 2024

Topic Specials

Climate and transformation
In addition to climate forecasts, the consequences of climate change are increasingly becoming the focus of research at Max Planck Institutes
The brain
The human brain is the most complex organ that nature has ever produced: 100 billion nerve cells and many times more contact points give it capabilities that no supercomputer can match
The causes and consequences of human mobility and its history are central topics for research at Max Planck Institutes


Evaluation - The procedures of the Max Planck Society
Living and working in Germany
Lise Meitner Excellence Program 2021
MaxPlanckResearch 2/2024 cover. Focus: Law creates Freedom.
Yearbook Highlights 2023
Annual Report 2023 of the Max Planck Society
75 years Max Planck Society
Research is calling - We promote pioneers in science
Talent Companion

From the Institutes

MPI for Biological Intelligence (Martinsried site), et al.
Zebra finch mothers coach their sons to sing better more
MPI for Biological Cybernetics
Learning without feedback more
MPI of Biochemistry
Supercomplex links mRNA translation and decay more
MPI for Terrestrial Microbiology
What turns bacteria into spirals? more
MPI for Solar System Research
A New Birthplace for Asteroid Ryugu more
Icarus, et al.
How cranes navigate their complex world more
MPI for Physics
Discovery of a rare decay of a Kaon particle more
MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology
Oldest DNA from South Africa decoded to date  more
MPI for Chemical Ecology
A bitter aftertaste more
Friedrich Miescher Laboratory of the Max Planck Society
Fruit flies with increased mutation rate more
MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
People think in many dimensions at a time more
MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
The brain of women and men more
MPI for Radio Astronomy
A New Milestone in Sharpness more
MPI for Terrestrial Microbiology
A hybrid arrowhead against immune disorders more
MPI for Terrestrial Microbiology, et al.
A Taste for Carbon Dioxide more
MPI for Chemical Ecology
Pit-building venom mixers more




Event November 07, 2024
What impact will technology and digitalisation have on the law? Is artificial intelligence a game changer? Join researchers from the Max Planck Law network to discuss these current and future challenges for legal studies at the #FUTUREOFLAW BarCamp.
Unraveling Behavior

Unraveling Behavior

A science podcast about the patterns driving human judgment and decision making. In each episode,  Ana Sofia Morais sits down with a researcher to explore how people make decisions, how they handle risk, and how our surroundings and the online world shape our behavior.
Cell droplet research

Cell droplet research

A new hope for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. A film about the research of Anthony Hyman, who was awared the Koerber Prize 2022 and the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences 2023.
Flight and Trauma

Flight and Trauma

Traumatic experiences from fleeing war zones can lead to distressing symptoms, which impair everyday life. Now with Ukranian sub-titles.
Optogenetics | briefly explained

Optogenetics | briefly explained

Turning nerve cells on and off using pulses of light. Optogenetics is a relatively new field that uses light to control genetically modified cells. It is based on light-activated membrane proteins, such as bacteriorhodopsin or channelrhodopsin, that are built into nerve cells.

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