Zeitschriftenartikel (9540)

Korchak, S.; Riemer, T.; Kilian, W.; Mitschang, L.: Quantitative assessment of xenon exchange kinetics with Cucurbit[6]uril in physiological saline. ChemPhysChem 19 (15), S. 1859 - 1865 (2018)
Masch, J. M.; Steffens, H.; Fischer, J.; Engelhardt, J.; Hubrich, J.; Keller-Findeisen, J.; D'Este, E.; Urban, N. T.; Grant, S. G. N.; Sahl, S. J. et al.; Kamin, D.; Hell, S. W.: Robust nanoscopy of a synaptic protein in living mice by organic-fluorophore labeling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115 (34), S. E8047 - E8056 (2018)
Graf, M.; Huter, P.; Maracci, C.; Peterek, M.; Rodnina, M. V.; Wilson, D. N.: Visualization of translation termination intermediates trapped by the Apidaecin 137 peptide during RF3-mediated recycling of RF1. Nature Communications 9, 3053 (2018)
Ho, C. F.-Y.; Ismail, N. B.; Koh, J. K.-Z.; Gunaseelan, S.; Low, Y.-H.; Ng, Y.-K.; Chua, J. J. E.; Ong, W.-Y.: Localisation of formyl-peptide receptor 2 in the rat central nervous system and its role in axonal and dendritic outgrowth. Neurochemical Research 43 (8), S. 1587 - 1598 (2018)
Kopec, W.; Köpfer, D.; Vickery, O. N.; Bondarenko, A. S.; Jansen, T. L. C.; de Groot, B. L.; Zachariae, U.: Direct knock-on of desolvated ions governs strict ion selectivity in K+ channels. Nature Chemistry 10 (8), S. 813 - 820 (2018)
Rossboth, B.; Arnold, A. M.; Ta, H.; Platzer, R.; Kellner, F.; Huppa, J. B.; Brameshuber, M.; Baumgart, F.; Schütz, G. J.: TCRs are randomly distributed on the plasma membrane of resting antigen-experienced T cells. Nature Immunology 19 (8), S. 821 - 827 (2018)
Zimmermann, L.; Stephens, A.; Nam, S. Z.; Rau, D.; Kübler , J.; Lozajic, M.; Gabler, F.; Söding, J.; Lupas, A. N.; Alva, V.: A completely reimplemented MPI Bioinformatics Toolkit with a new HHpred server at its core. Journal of Molecular Biology 430 (15), S. 2237 - 2243 (2018)
Jobelius, H.; Wagner, N.; Schnakenburg, G.; Meyer, A.: Verdazyls as possible building blocks for multifunctional molecular materials: A case study on 1,5-Diphenyl-3-(p-iodophenyl)-verdazyl focusing on magnetism, electron transfer and the applicability of the Sonogashira-Hagihara reaction. Molecules 23 (7), 1758 (2018)
Urban, N. T.; Foreman, M. R.; Hell, S. W.; Sivan, Y.: Nanoparticle-assisted STED nanoscopy with gold nanospheres. ACS Photonics 5 (7), S. 2574 - 2583 (2018)
Mühlhausen, S.; Schmitt, H. D.; Pan, K. T.; Plessmann, U.; Urlaub, H.; Hurst, L. D.; Kollmar, M.: Endogenous stochastic decoding of the CUG codon by competing Ser- and Leu-tRNAs in Ascoidea asiatica. Current Biology 28 (13), S. 2046 - 2057 (2018)
Modena, M. M.; Hirschle, P.; Wuttke, S.; Burg, T. P.: Mass measurements reveal preferential sorption of mixed solvent components in porous nanoparticles. Small 14 (27), 1800826 (2018)
Pein, F.; Tecuapetla-Gómez, I.; Schütte, O. M.; Steinem, C.; Munk, A.: Fully-automatic multiresolution idealization for filtered ion channel recordings: Flickering event detection. IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience 17 (3), S. 300 - 320 (2018)
Keasar, C.; McGuffin, L. J.; Wallner, B.; Chopra, G.; Adhikari, B.; Bhattacharya, D.; Blake, L.; Bortot, L. O.; Cao, R.; Dhanasekaran, B. K. et al.; Dimas, I.; Faccioli, R. A.; Faraggi, E.; Ganzynkowicz, R.; Ghosh, S.; Ghosh, S.; Giełdoń, A.; Golon, L.; He, Y.; Heo, L.; Hou, J.; Khan, M.; Khatib, F.; Khoury, G. A.; Kieslich, C.; Kim, D. E.; Krupa, P.; Lee, G. R.; Li, H.; Li, J.; Lipska, A.; Liwo, A.; Maghrabi, A. H. A.; Mirdita, M.; Mirzaei, S.; Mozolewska, M. A.; Onel, M.; Ovchinnikov, S.; Shah, A.; Shah, U.; Sidi, T.; Sieradzan, A. K.; Ślusarz, M.; Ślusarz, R.; Smadbeck, J.; Tamamis, P.; Trieber, N.; Wirecki, T.; Yin, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Bacardit, J.; Baranowski, M.; Chapman, N.; Cooper, S.; Defelicibus, A.; Flatten, J.; Koepnick, B.; Popović, Z.; Zaborowski, B.; Baker, D.; Cheng, J.; Czaplewski, C.; Delbem, A. C. B.; Floudas, C.; Kloczkowski, A.; Ołdziej, S.; Levitt, M.; Scheraga, H.; Seok, C.; Söding, J.; Vishveshwara, S.; Xu, D.; Crivelli, S. N.: An analysis and evaluation of the WeFold collaborative for protein structure prediction and its pipelines in CASP11 and CASP12. Scientific Reports 8, 9938 (2018)
Kiesel, A.; Roth, C.; Ge, W.; Weß, M.; Meier, M.; Söding, J.: The BaMM web server for de-novo motif discovery and regulatory sequence analysis. Nucleic Acids Research 46 (W1), S. W215 - W220 (2018)
Renaud, J. P.; Chari, A.; Ciferri, C.; Liu, W.; Rémigy, H. W.; Stark, H.; Wiesmann, C.: Cryo-EM in drug discovery: Achievements, limitations and prospects. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 17 (7), S. 471 - 492 (2018)
Seif Amir Hosseini, A.; Beham, A.; Uhlig, J.; Streit, U.; Uhlig, A.; Ellenrieder, V.; Joseph, A. A.; Voit, D.; Frahm, J.; Uecker, M. et al.; Lotz, J.; Biggemann, L.: Intra- and interobserver variability in the diagnosis of GERD by real-time MRI. European Journal of Radiology 104, S. 14 - 19 (2018)
Tchekalarova, J.; Atanasova, D. Y.; Kortenska, L.; Atanasova, M.; Lazarov, N.: Chronic agomelatine treatment prevents comorbid depression in the post-status epilepticus model of acquired epilepsy through suppression of inflammatory signaling. Neurobiology of Disease 115, S. 127 - 144 (2018)
Zielinska, A.; Schuh, M.: Double trouble at the beginning of life. Science 361 (6398), S. 128 - 129 (2018)
Steinegger, M.; Söding, J.: Clustering huge protein sequence sets in linear time. Nature Communications 9, 2542 (2018)
Spies, J. P.; Bringmann, H.: Automated detection and manipulation of sleep in C. elegans reveals depolarization of a sleep-active neuron during mechanical stimulation-induced sleep deprivation. Scientific Reports 8, 9732 (2018)
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