Homepage Newsroom Keyword Collection Personalised Medicine Personalised Medicine All News Article Select type All News Article New method revolutionizes cancer diagnosis May 19, 2022 Medicine Personalised Medicine Proteomics "Deep Visual Proteomics" technology provides cell-specific, protein-based information and helps to analyze cancer diseases more Scientists identify workflow algorithm to predict psychosis January 05, 2021 Medicine Personalised Medicine Cleverly combining artificial and human intelligence leads to improved prevention of psychosis in young patients more To trim away a protein November 16, 2017 Cell Biology Personalised Medicine Scientists present a novel method to directly and rapidly destroy any protein in any kind of cell more Proteome of the human heart mapped for the first time November 14, 2017 Cell Biology Personalised Medicine Researchers identify almost 11,000 different proteins throughout the heart more Immune system killer cells increase risk of diabetes July 06, 2017 Immunobiology Medicine Personalised Medicine Obesity alters a subpopulation of immune cells, thereby increasing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes more Better prediction for effectiveness of paroxetine April 12, 2017 Brain Medicine Personalised Medicine Researchers identify pathways in neural brain cells which are decisive in treatment response with antidepressant paroxetine more New biomarkers for bowel cancer treatment February 09, 2017 Medicine Personalised Medicine Scientists can predict in the lab whether a drug will be effective for individual colorectal tumours more Gene fusions can lead to glioblastoma in children October 19, 2016 Genetics Personalised Medicine Scientists discover a new target for treating aggressive brain tumors more High-fat diet starves the brain April 28, 2016 Brain Personalised Medicine Fat decreases glucose levels in the mouse brain more Duality in the human genome November 27, 2014 Genetics Personalised Medicine Human genomes are extraordinarily individual - a challenge for personalised medicine more New method revolutionizes cancer diagnosis May 19, 2022 Medicine Personalised Medicine Proteomics "Deep Visual Proteomics" technology provides cell-specific, protein-based information and helps to analyze cancer diseases more To trim away a protein November 16, 2017 Cell Biology Personalised Medicine Scientists present a novel method to directly and rapidly destroy any protein in any kind of cell more Proteome of the human heart mapped for the first time November 14, 2017 Cell Biology Personalised Medicine Researchers identify almost 11,000 different proteins throughout the heart more Immune system killer cells increase risk of diabetes July 06, 2017 Immunobiology Medicine Personalised Medicine Obesity alters a subpopulation of immune cells, thereby increasing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes more Better prediction for effectiveness of paroxetine April 12, 2017 Brain Medicine Personalised Medicine Researchers identify pathways in neural brain cells which are decisive in treatment response with antidepressant paroxetine more New biomarkers for bowel cancer treatment February 09, 2017 Medicine Personalised Medicine Scientists can predict in the lab whether a drug will be effective for individual colorectal tumours more Gene fusions can lead to glioblastoma in children October 19, 2016 Genetics Personalised Medicine Scientists discover a new target for treating aggressive brain tumors more High-fat diet starves the brain April 28, 2016 Brain Personalised Medicine Fat decreases glucose levels in the mouse brain more Duality in the human genome November 27, 2014 Genetics Personalised Medicine Human genomes are extraordinarily individual - a challenge for personalised medicine more