Stefan Hell stands in front of a blackboard. On the board he has scribbled the formula for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2014.

Substantial questions, brightest minds - and you!

Our scientists are driven to find answers to the big questions of our times. In tackling their field in scientific frontier research they need courage, talent, persistence - and your unique support!

Excellent frontier research is a high risk mission, requiring high trust, too. The results are at times not predictable, nonetheless this search is what drives us to push forward and exceed boundaries of knowledge. And knowledge is essential for progress: technologies and medical care improve our lives and ensure economic prosperity. Therefore, research in Germany is largely state-funded, because knowledge is a publicly invaluable good.

Nevertheless, public funding alone at times does not suffice, as our scientists find themselves in a tough international competition. Max Planck Society can only stand up to and succeed when donors support our research, too.

Here, our Supporting Members and our Boards of Trustees set benchmarks. And because our world class scientists need that extra head room (especially when public funding ist not available), we are generously supported by the Max Planck Foundation.

Excellent frontier research also requires outstanding support. Succeeding as a visionary is part of your set of beliefs.

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