Research report 2019 - Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG)

Archival Cultural Heritage Online – an infrastructure for long-term archiving of research data

Wieder, Philipp

Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG) – Arbeitsgruppe eScience

The GMPG research programme is dedicated to investigating the History of the Max Planck Society. An integral part of the program is the mass digitization of files and the long-term preservation and provision of resulting research data. The project “Archival Cultural Heritage Online” was established to provide the necessary infrastructure to integrate the digitization workflow, a long-term archiving service and a virtual working environment. This article describes the underlying concept and the implemented service.

For the full text, see the German version.

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