Scientific Publications
Journal Article (4552)
Journal Article
169 (1), 51 (2025)
DECaPS and SMA Discovery of a Highly Inclined Class I Young Stellar Object with an Outflow: IRAS 08235-4316. ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL 2.
Journal Article
981 (1), 28 (2025)
ngVLA Synthetic Observations of Ionized Gas in Massive Protostars. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 3.
Journal Article
694, A300 (2025)
J1721+8842: The first Einstein zigzag lens. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 4.
Journal Article
980 (2), 267 (2025)
Comparison of Global HI and Hα Line Profiles in MaNGA Galaxy Pairs with FAST. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 5.
Journal Article
694, C8 (2025)
Coping with loss Stability of mass transfer from post-main-sequence donor stars (Corrigendum). ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 6.
Journal Article
980 (2), L38 (2025)
Magnetic Field Amplification during Stellar Collisions between Low-mass Stars. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS 7.
Journal Article
980 (2), 172 (2025)
LensWatch. II. Improved Photometry and Time-delay Constraints on the Strongly Lensed Type Ia Supernova 2022qmx ("SN Zwicky") with Hubble Space Telescope Template Observations. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 8.
Journal Article
A semi-analytic estimate for the effective sound speed counterterm in the EFTofLSS. JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS (2), 023 (2025)
Journal Article
694, L12 (2025)
A candidate quadruple AGN system at z ∼ 3. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 10.
Journal Article
980 (1), L2 (2025)
Pearls on a String: Dark and Bright Galaxies on a Strikingly Straight and Narrow Filament. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS 11.
Journal Article
694, A83 (2025)
Population synthesis of Thorne-Z•ytkow objects Rejuvenated donors and unexplored progenitors in the common envelope formation channel. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 12.
Journal Article
980 (1), 79 (2025)
MAGICS. II. Seed Black Holes Stripped of Their Surrounding Stars Do Not Sink. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 13.
Journal Article
980 (1), 13 (2025)
Rare Occasions: Tidal Disruption Events Rarely Power the AGNs Observed in Dwarf Galaxies. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 14.
Journal Article
979 (2), 229 (2025)
SCUBADive. I. JWST plus ALMA Analysis of 289 Submillimeter Galaxies in COSMOS-web. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 15.
Journal Article
694, L1 (2025)
Direct high-resolution observation of feedback and chemical enrichment in the circumgalactic medium at redshift z ∼ 2.8. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 16.
Journal Article
693, A309 (2025)
Behind the dust veil: A panchromatic view of an optically dark galaxy at z=4.82. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 17.
Journal Article
693, A274 (2025)
The robustness of inferred envelope and core rotation rates of red giant stars from asteroseismology. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 18.
Journal Article
The Lunar Gravitational-wave Antenna: mission studies and science case. JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS (1), 108 (2025)
Journal Article
693, A292 (2025)
HOLISMOKES XIV. Time-delay and differential dust extinction determination with lensed type II supernova color curves. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 20.
Journal Article
693, A291 (2025)
HOLISMOKES XIII. Strong-lens candidates at all mass scales and their environments from the Hyper-Suprime Cam and deep learning. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS