Conference Paper (201)

Conference Paper
Todd, P. M.; Kirby, S.: I like what I know: How recognition-based decisions can structure the environment. Advances in Artificial Life: Proceedings of the 6th European Conference in Artificial Life (ECAL), pp. 166 - 176 (2001)
Conference Paper
Rieskamp, J.: Will we ever stop studying one-shot games? Fairness as an equilibrium selection device in an indefinite repeated bargaining experiment. In: Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth Annual Conference of the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology, Vienna/Austria, pp. 375 - 381. Twenty-fifth Annual Conference of the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology, Vienna/Austria, 2000. WUV Facultas, Wien (2000)
Conference Paper
Bullock, S.; Davis, J. N.; Todd, P. M.: Simplicity rules the roost: Exploring birdbrain parental investment heuristics. In: Proceedings of the AISB '99 Symposium on Imitation in Animals and Artifacts, pp. 535 - 544 (Eds. Floreano, D.; Nicoud, J.-D.; Mondada, F.). AISB '99 Symposium on Imitation in Animals and Artifacts, 1999. Springer, Heidelberg (1999)
Conference Paper
Goldstein, D. G.; Sharpe, W. F.; Blythe, P. W.: The distribution builder: An interactive tool for measuring risk profile in investors. In: Proceedings of the Third International Stockholm Seminar on Risk Behavior and Risk Management, pp. 320 - 331. Proceedings of the Third International Stockholm Seminar on Risk Behavior and Risk Management, 1999. Bo Gren (1999)
Conference Paper
Noble, J.: Sexual signalling in an artificial population: When does the handicap principle work? In: Advances in Artificial Life: Proceedings of the 5th European Conference in Artificial Life, pp. 644 - 653 (Eds. Floreano, D.; Nicoud, J.-D.; Mondada, F.). 5th European Conference in Artificial Life (ECAL), 1999. Springer, Berlin (1999)
Conference Paper
Noble, J.; Tuci, E.; Todd, P. M.: An evolutionary simulation model of social learning about food by Norway rats. In: Advances in Artificial Life: Proceedings of the 5th European Conference in Artificial Life (ECAL), pp. 514 - 523 (Eds. Floreano, D.; Nicoud, J.-D.; Mondada, F.). 5th European Conference in Artificial Life, 1999. Springer, Berlin (1999)
Conference Paper
Noble, J.; Todd, P. M.: Is it really imitation? A review of simple mechanisms in social information gathering. In: Proceedings of the AISB '99 Symposium on Imitation in Animals and Artifacts, pp. 65 - 73 (Eds. Dautenhahn, K.; Nehaniv, C.). Proceedings of the AISB '99 Symposium on Imitation in Animals and Artifacts, 1999. Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behavior (1999)
Conference Paper
Todd, P. M.: Evolving musical diversity. In: Proceedings of the AISB '99 Symposium on Imitation in Animals and Artifacts, pp. 40 - 48. AISB '99 Symposium on Imitation in Animals and Artifacts, 1999. Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behavior, Sussex, UK (1999)
Conference Paper
Tuci, E.; Noble, J.; Todd, P. M.: "I'll have what she's having": A simulation analysis of the copying of food preferences in Norway rats. In: Proceedings of the AISB '99 Symposium on Imitation in Animals and Artifacts, pp. 74 - 79 (Eds. Dautenhahn, K.; Nehariv, C.). Proceedings of the AISB '99 Symposium on Imitation in Animals and Artifacts, 1999. Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (1999)
Conference Paper
Baumert, J.; Köller, O.: Interest research in secondary level I: An overview. In: Interest and learning: Proceedings of the Seeon Conference on Interest and Gender, pp. 241 - 256 (Eds. Hoffmann, L.; Krapp, A.; Renninger, K. A.; Baumert, J.). Seeon Conference on Interest and Gender, 1998. IPN, Kiel (1998)
Conference Paper
Baumert, J.; Schnabel, K.-U.; Lehrke, M.: Learning math in school: Does interest really matter? In: Interest and learning: Proceedings of the Seeon Conference on Interest and Gender, pp. 327 - 336 (Eds. Hoffmann, L.; Krapp, A.; Renninger, K. A.; Baumert, J.). Seeon Conference on Interest and Gender, 1998. IPN, Kiel (1998)
Conference Paper
Bullock, S.: A continuous evolutionary simulation model of the attainability of honest signalling equilibria. In: Artificial life VI: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Artificial Life, pp. 339 - 348 (Eds. Adami, C.; Belew, R. K.; Kitano, H.). Sixth International Conference on Artificial Life, 1998. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (1998)
Conference Paper
Goldstein, D. G.: Inference from ignorance: The recognition heuristic. In: Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 407 - 411. Twentieth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 1998. Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ (1998)
Conference Paper
Hoerning, E. M.: Intelligenz, Profession und Loyalität. In: Organisation und Profession: Dokumentation des 2. Workshops des Arbeitskreises "Professionelles Handeln" 24. und 25. Oktober 1997, veranstaltet von der HFS Ostschweiz in Kooperation mit dem soziologischen Seminar der Universität St. Gallen, pp. 34 - 47 (Eds. Brosziewski, A.; Broder, C.). 2. Workshop des Arbeitskreises "Professionelles Handeln", St. Gallen, October 24, 1997 - October 25, 1997. Universitäts-Druck, Rorschach (1998)
Conference Paper
Köller, O.: Different aspects of learning motivation: The impact of interest and goal orientation on scholastic learning. In: Interest and learning: Proceedings of the Seeon Conference on Interest and Gender, pp. 317 - 326 (Eds. Hoffmann, L.; Krapp, A.; Renninger, K. A.; Baumert, J.). Seeon Conference on Interest and Gender, 1998. IPN, Kiel (1998)
Conference Paper
Kurz, E. M.: Representation, agency, and disciplinarity: Calculus experts at work. In: Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 585 - 590. Twentieth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 1998. Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ (1998)
Conference Paper
Noble, J.: Tough guys don‘t dance: Intention movements and the evolution of signalling in animal contests. In: From animals to animats 5: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, pp. 471 - 476. Fifth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, 1998. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (1998)
Conference Paper
Noble, J.: Evolved signals: Expensive hype vs. conspiratorial whispers. In: Artificial life VI: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Artificial Life, pp. 358 - 367. Sixth International Conference on Artificial Life, 1998. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (1998)
Conference Paper
Noble, J.: Tough guys don't dance: Intention movements and the evolution of signalling in animal contests. In: From animals to animats 5: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, pp. 471 - 476 (Eds. Pfeifer, B.; Blumberg, B.; Meyer, J.-A.). From animals to animats 5: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, 1998. MIT Press (1998)
Conference Paper
Rendtel, U.; Büchel, F.: A bootstrap strategy for the detection of a panel attrition bias in a household panel with an application to the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP). Nonresponse in survey research: Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Household Survey Nonresponse, pp. 273 - 283 (1998)
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