Thesis - PhD (233)

Thesis - PhD
Zilker, V.: Measuring and modeling the construction of preferences in decision making under risk. Dissertation, 273 pp., Freie Universität Berlin (2020)
Thesis - PhD
Butler, O.: The brain at war: Stress-related losses and recovery-related gains. Dissertation, 195 pp., Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2019)
Thesis - PhD
Franke, P.: The production of "Monaco" and "Las Vegas" as sites of (un)moral economies. Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2019)
Thesis - PhD
Grolig, L.: Shared storybook reading and the development of oral language skills. Dissertation, 230 pp., Freie Universität Berlin (2019)
Thesis - PhD
Ilengiz, Ç.: Politics of madness: Narrativizing, memorializing, sacralizing Şeywuşen (1930-1995) in Dersim, Turkey. Dissertation, Technische Universität Berlin (2019)
Thesis - PhD
Litvinova, A.: Extending the wisdom of crowds: How to harness the wisdom of the inner crowd. Dissertation, IX, 151 pp., Freie Universität Berlin (2019)
Thesis - PhD
Trautwein, J.: The mental lexicon in acquisition: Assessment, size & structure. Dissertation, 189 pp., Universität Potsdam (2019)
Thesis - PhD
Wlodarczyk, A.: Response to naturalistic threats in infancy. Dissertation, 235 pp., Freie Universität Berlin (2019)
Thesis - PhD
Wu, C. M.: Guided by generalization and uncertainty: A theory of human learning and exploration. Dissertation, 211 pp., Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2019)
Thesis - PhD
Benger Alaluf, Y.: The emotional economy of British seaside holidaymaking 1870-1918. Dissertation, Freie Universität Berlin (2018)
Thesis - PhD
de Groot, T.: Shame and the search for rehabilitation: Pardoning practices in Germany 1870-1933. Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2018)
Thesis - PhD
Laube, C.: Teens, testosterone and time: Neural, endocrinological and contextual correlates of adolescent impulsivity. Dissertation, 73 pp., Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2018)
Thesis - PhD
Leuker, C.: Risks, rewards, and rationality: How knowing that you probably won't hit the jackpot affects your judgments and decisions. Dissertation, 188 pp., Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2018)
Thesis - PhD
Raffington, L.: Socioeconomic disparities in children's cognitive development: Longitudinal dynamics and stress mechanisms. Dissertation, 84 pp. (2018)
Thesis - PhD
Adolf, J. K.: Contextualizing the dynamics of affective functioning: Conceptual and statistical considerations. Dissertation, 185 pp., Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2017)
Thesis - PhD
Dallacker, M.: Social determinants of obesity: How parents shape the eating behavior and body weight of their children. Dissertation, IV, 223 pp., Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin (2017)
Thesis - PhD
Driver, C. C.: Hierarchical continuous time dynamic modelling for psychology and the social sciences. Dissertation, 122 pp., Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin (2017)
Thesis - PhD
Gerlach, P.: The social framework of individual decisions: 570+1 experiments in (un)ethical behavior. Dissertation, XVI, 174 pp., Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin (2017)
Thesis - PhD
Hartmann, S.: Risikobewältigung in der Luftfahrt und in der Medizin: Eine vergleichende Untersuchung. Dissertation, XLIV, 239 pp., Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2017)
Thesis - PhD
Hilbrand, S.: Why care? The impact of ancestral grandparental investments on caregiving and health today. Dissertation, 196 pp., Universität Basel, Basel (2017)
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