Thesis - Master (129)

Thesis - Master
Kaiser, C.: Mentale Gesundheit während des ersten Lockdowns der COVID-19-Pandemie in Deutschland. Master, 81 pp., MSB Medical School Berlin (2021)
Thesis - Master
Moultrie, J.: Performance on a flanker task in matched real and virtual conditions. Master, 17 pp., Universiteit van Amsterdam (2021)
Thesis - Master
Nickl, P. L.: What makes people click? Master, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2021)
Thesis - Master
Örken, A.: The other blue space: Sky as nature. Master, University of Amsterdam (2021)
Thesis - Master
Popielarz, O.: Combined intervention and the brain: Effects of combining language learning training with physical exercise on structure of ageing brains. Master, 62 pp., Freie Universität Berlin (2021)
Thesis - Master
Schakowski, A.: Pooling judgments in homogenous and heterogenous groups: Accounting for interindividual differences in confidence calibration improves collective performance. Master, Universität Heidelberg (2021)
Thesis - Master
Sultan, M.: The impact of time-scarcity on discrimination ability and response bias during misinformation identification. Master, University of Amsterdam (2021)
Thesis - Master
Fox, T.: Second-hand smoking and the human brain: An MRI study linking second-hand smoking, brain structure and cognition. Master, 80 pp., Freie Universität Berlin (2020)
Thesis - Master
Krause, M.-T.: Analysis of information in leaflets on ovarian cancer screening. Master, Jade University for Applied Science (2020)
Thesis - Master
Löwe, A.: Trial-wise feedback leading to uninstructed spontaneous strategy switches. Master, 21 pp., Freie Universität Berlin (2020)
Thesis - Master
Morina, F.: Differences in oscillatory mechanisms of episodic memory formation in younger and older adults. Master, 74 pp., Ruhr-Universität Bochum (2020)
Thesis - Master
Pauley, C.: Age differences in the effects of contextualisation on the similarity of memory representations. Master, 67 pp., Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (2020)
Thesis - Master
Peikert, A.: Reproducibility made simple: Automating reproducible research workflows. Master, 36 pp., Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2020)
Thesis - Master
Sale, V.: Stress and the city: Behavioural, cognitive and physiological correlates of a one-hour exposure to a natural or urban environment. Master, 46 pp., Radboud University Nijmegen (2020)
Thesis - Master
Schwarze, S. A.: Differences in effective connectivity between children and adults during task switching. Master, 57 pp., Freie Universität Berlin (2020)
Thesis - Master
Vidal Orga, B.: The role of social information in non-human great apes' behavioral responses to plants. Master, 65 pp., Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2020)
Thesis - Master
Wollny-Huttarsch, D.: First come, first serve: Early social influence exerts higher influence on individuals' judgments. Master, Maastricht University (2020)
Thesis - Master
Gerbaulet, K.: Under pressure: The effect of time pressure on directed and random exploration. Master, Osnabrück University (2019)
Thesis - Master
Guner, S. H.: Effects of online information search on learning outcomes. Master, 45 pp., Technische Universität München (2019)
Thesis - Master
Hell, K.: The politicization of the issue of comfort women. Master, Freie Universität Berlin (2019)
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