Working Paper (186)

Working Paper
Aikman, D.; Galesic, M.; Gigerenzer, G.; Kapadia, S.; Katsikopoulos, K.; Kothiyal, A.; Murphy, E.; Neumann, T.: Taking uncertainty seriously: Simplicity versus complexity in financial regulation. Financial Stability Paper/ Bank of England 28 (2014), 25 pp.
Working Paper
Balatel, A.; Boero, R.; Jonaityte, I.; Monti, M.; Novarese, M.; Pacelli, V.: Beyond the MiFID: Envisioning cognitively suitable and representationally supportive approaches to assessing investment preferences for more informed financial decisions. CAREFIN Occasional Paper 2013-07 (2013), 24 pp.
Working Paper
Boeckenhoff, A.; Sassenroth, D.; Kroh, M.; Siedler, T.; Eibich, P.; Wagner, G. G.: The socio-economic module of the Berlin Aging Study II (SOEP-BASE): Description, structure, and questionnaire. SOEPpapers on Multidisciplinary Panel Data Research 568 (2013), 19 pp.
Working Paper
Boeckenhoff, A.; Sassenroth, D.; Kroh, M.; Siedler, T.; Eibich, P.; Wagner, G. G.: The socio-economic module of the Berlin Aging Study II (SOEP-BASE): Description, structure, and questionnaire. SOEPpapers on Multidisciplinary Panel Data Research 568 (2013), 19 pp.
Working Paper
Saßenroth, D.; Kroh, M.; Wagner, G. G.: Selectivity processes in and weights for the Berlin Aging Study II (BASE-II): German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP). SOEPpapers on Multidisciplinary Panel Data Research 608 (2013), 31 pp.
Working Paper
Expertenkommission Lehrerbildung [Leitung: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Baumert]: Ausbildung von Lehrkräften in Berlin: Empfehlungen der Expertenkommission Lehrerbildung. (2012), 67 pp.
Working Paper
Bund-Länderinitiative zur Sprachförderung, Sprachdiagnostik und Leseförderung [Schneider, W. (Chair), Baumert, J., Becker-Mrotzek, M., Hasselhorn, M., Kammermeyer, G., Rauschenbach, T., Roßbach, H.-G., Roth, H.-J., Rothweiler, M., & Stanat, P.]: Expertise "Bildung durch Sprache und Schrift (BISS)". (2012), 184 pp.
Working Paper
Erol, M.: Worship and liturgy in the Greek Orthodox community of Constantinople/Istanbul in the nineteenth century (Working Papers). (2012), 22. pp.
Working Paper
Wrzus, C.; Brandmaier, A. M.; von Oertzen, T.; Müller, V.; Wagner, G. G.; Riediger, M.: A new approach for assessing sleep duration and postures from ambulatory accelerometry. SOEPpapers on Multidisciplinary Panel Data Research 507 (2012), 31 pp.
Working Paper
Sonnenberg, B.; Riediger, M.; Wrzus, C.; Wagner, G. G.: Measuring time use in surveys: How valid are time use questions in surveys? Concordance of survey and experience sampling measures. SOEPpapers on Multidisciplinary Panel Data Research 390 (2011), 30 pp.
Working Paper
Riediger, M.: Experience sampling. Working Paper Series of the German Council for Social and Economic Data 62 (2009), 14 pp.
Working Paper
Wirth, H.; Gresch, C.; Müller, W.; Pollak, R.; Weiss, F.: Validating the ESeC-scheme as operationalization of social class: The case of Germany. Arbeitspapiere/ Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung 119 (2009), 26 pp.
Working Paper
Matthes, B.; Reimer, M.; Künster, R.; Pape, S.: TrueTales: Ein neues Instrument zur Erhebung von Längsschnittdaten. Arbeitspapier des Projektes Frühe Karrieren und Familiengründung: Lebensverläufe der Geburtskohorte 1971 in Ost- und Westdeutschland 2 (2005), 31 pp.
Working Paper
Mertens, A.; Gash, V.; McGinnity, F.: The cost of flexibility at the margin: Comparing the wage penalty for fixed-term contracts in Germany and Spain using quantile regression. Arbeitsberichte / Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung / Forschungsbereich Bildung, Arbeit und Gesellschaftliche Entwicklung 2005,4 (2005), 37 pp.
Working Paper
Pape, S.; Weidner, C.: Verbesserung von Frageformulierungen durch kognitive Pretests. Arbeitspapier des Projektes Frühe Karrieren und Familiengründung: Lebensverläufe der Geburtskohorte 1971 in Ost- und Westdeutschland 3 (2005), 46 pp.
Working Paper
Prenzel, M.; Baumert, J.; Blum, W.; Lehmann, R.; Leutner, D.; Neubrand, M.; Pekrun, R.; Rost, J.; Schiefele, U.: Vorinformation zu PISA 2003: Zentrale Ergebnisse des zweiten Vergleichs der Länder in Deutschland. (2005), 18 pp.
Working Paper
Van Ham, M.; Büchel, F.: Females' willingness to work and the discouragement effect of a poor local childcare provision. Discussion Paper Series 1220 (2004), 20 pp.
Working Paper
Brehmer, Y.; Stoll, G.; Bergner, S.; Benoit, R.; von Oertzen, T.; Lindenberger, U.: Selection of high-imagery words for the study of episodic memory from middle childhood to old age. Saarland University / Technical Report 2005 (2004), 12 pp.
Working Paper
Gash, V.: Bridge or trap? To what extent do temporary workers make more transitions to unemployment than to the standard emloyment contract. A comparative analysis of Denmark, France and the United Kingdom. Arbeitsberichte / Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung / Forschungsbereich Bildung, Arbeit und Gesellschaftliche Entwicklung 2004,10 (2004), 33 pp.
Working Paper
Hillmert, S.: From old to new structures: A long-term comparison of the transition to adulthood in West and East Germany. Arbeitsberichte / Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung / Forschungsbereich Bildung, Arbeit und Gesellschaftliche Entwicklung 2004,8 (2004), 26 pp.
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