Thesis - PhD (385)

Thesis - PhD
Blum, T.: Electron cryo-tomography of macromolecular membrane proteins. Dissertation, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2016)
Thesis - PhD
Joedicke, L.: Structural and functional characterisation of peptide-ligand G protein coupled receptors – Examples from the chemoattractant cluster. Dissertation, 140 pp., Goethe Universität - Fachbereich Biochemie, Frankfurt am Main (2016)
Thesis - PhD
Kaltwasser, S.: Structural characterization of stressosome complexes by single-particle cryo-electron microscopy. Dissertation, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2016)
Thesis - PhD
Laiyin, N.: Structural and Functional Characterization of NorM_PS – a multidrug and toxic compound extrusion (MATE) transporter from Pseudomonas stutzeri. Dissertation, 147 pp., Tianjin University, Tianjin Province, China (2016)
Thesis - PhD
Waclawska, I.: Dynamics in stress-regulated betaine transport and role of pathogen-relevant choline transport. Dissertation, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2016)
Thesis - PhD
Wilkes, M.: Single-particle cryo-EM structures of oligomeric membrane protein complexes. Dissertation, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2016)
Thesis - PhD
Srinivasan, L.: Heterologous production, purification and structural characterization of the SLC26A/SulP family of multi-functional anion transporters/exchangers from Salmonella typhimurium, Methanosarcina acetivorans and Aquifex aeolicus. Dissertation, 157 pp., Fachbereich Biochemie, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (2015)
Thesis - PhD
Gärtner, R. M.: Towards a molecular mechanism of ectoine transport. Dissertation, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2015)
Thesis - PhD
Kalayil, S.: Insights into the mechanism of substrate/product antiport by CaiT. Dissertation, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2015)
Thesis - PhD
Mehdipour, A. R.: Computational study of transport mechanism in LeuT fold transporters. Dissertation, 187 pp., Fachbereich Biochemie, Chemie und Pharmazie, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2015)
Thesis - PhD
Paulino, C. B.: Structural and functional characterization of the Na+/H+antiporter MjNhap1. Dissertation, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2014)
Thesis - PhD
Koshy, C.: Insights into the functional and regulatory mechanisms of the osmoregulated Na+/glycine betaine symporter BetP from Corynebacterium glutamicum: A structural and computational study. Dissertation, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2014)
Thesis - PhD
Preiß, L.: Structural and functional characterization of the rotor rings from a Bacillus and a Mycobacterium F-type ATP synthase. Dissertation, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2014)
Thesis - PhD
Walter, A.: Development, implementation and practical aspects of phase plates in electron cryo-microscopy. Dissertation, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2014)
Thesis - PhD
Xie, H.: Characterization of the two isoforms of cbb3-type cytochrome c oxidase from Pseudomonoas stutzeri ZoBell. Dissertation, 224 pp., Fachbereich 14, Biochemie, Chemie und Pharmazie der Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2014)
Thesis - PhD
Kapotova, E.: Three-dimensional crystallization of the sodium-proton antiporter NhaP1 from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii. Dissertation, Goethe university, Frankfurt am Main (2014)
Thesis - PhD
Matthies, D.: Biochemical and structural analysis of F-type ATP synthases and its subcomplexes. Dissertation, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2014)
Thesis - PhD
Schweikhard, E. S.: Na+-coupled betaine symporters involved in osmotic stress response in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2014)
Thesis - PhD
Müller, M.: Structure and function of channelrhodopsin-2 by cryo electron crystallography. Dissertation, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2014)
Thesis - PhD
Daum, B.: Electron cryo-tomography of bioenergetic membranes. Dissertation, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2014)
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