Book Chapter (339)

Book Chapter
Porschke, D.: Molecular electro-optics. In: Protein-Ligand Interactions: Hydrodynamics and Calorimetry: A Practical Approach, pp. 197 - 221. Oxford University Press, Oxford (2001)
Book Chapter
Schwille, P.: Cross-correlation analysis in FCS. In: Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy: Theory and applications, pp. 360 - 378 (Eds. Rigler; R.; S., E. E.). Springer, Berlin (2001)
Book Chapter
Hanley, Q. S.; True, J. B.; Denton, M. B.: Electro-optical characterizations of the CID 17 PPRA, CID 38 SG, CID 38 Q-A, and CID 38 Q-B. In: Further Developments in Scientific Optical Imaging, pp. 83 - 109. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge (2000)
Book Chapter
Hanley, Q. S.; Verveer, P. J.; Jovin, T. M.: Imaging and spectroscopy with programmable array microscopes. In: Further Developments in Scientific Optical Imaging, pp. 164 - 175. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge (2000)
Book Chapter
Subramaniam, V.; Kirsch, A. K.; Jenei, A.; Jovin, T. M.: Scanning near-field optical imaging and spectroscopy in cell biology. In: Emerging Tools for Single-Cell Analysis: Advances in Optical Measurement, pp. 271 - 290. Wiley-Liss, New York (2000)
Book Chapter
Subramaniam, V.; Steel, D. G.; Gafni, A.: Room temperature tryptophan phosphorescence as a probe of structural and dynamic properties of proteins. In: Protein Fluorescence, pp. 43 - 65. Plenum Press, New York (2000)
Book Chapter
Biebricher, C. K.: Mutation, competition and selection as measured with small RNA molecules. In: Origin and evolution of viruses, pp. 65 - 85 (Ed. Domingo, E.). Academic Press, San Diego (1999)
Book Chapter
Gueth-Hallonet, C.; Osborn, M.; Compton, D. A.: NuMA. In: Guidebook to the cytoskeletal and motor proteins, pp. 265 - 268 (Eds. Kreis, T.; Vale, R.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (1999)
Book Chapter
Eggeling, C.; Widengren, J.; Rigler, R.; Seidel, C. A. M.: Photostability of fluorescent dyes for single-molecule spectroscopy: Mechanisms and experimental methods for estimating photobleaching in aqueous solution. In: Applied Fluorescence in Chemistry, Biology and Medicine, pp. 193 - 240 (Eds. Rettig, W.; Strehmel, B.; Schrader, S.; Seifert, H.). Springer, Berlin (1998)
Book Chapter
Isenberg, S.: Immunocytochemistry of frozen and of paraffin tissue sections. In: Cell Biology: A laboratory handbook, pp. 486 - 492 (Ed. Celis, J.E.). Academic Press, San Diego (1998)
Book Chapter
Marsh, D.; Pali, T.; Horvath, L. I.: Progressive saturation and saturation transfer EPR for measuring exchange processes and proximity relations in membranes. In: Spin labeling. The next millennium, pp. 23 - 82 (Ed. Berliner, L.J.). Plenum Press, New York (1998)
Book Chapter
Marsh, D.; Schorn, K.: Corrections for anisotropically averaged hyperfine splittings and order parameters from pseudopower electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) line shapes. An update for slow-motion contributions to lipid spin label spectra from membranes. In: Spin labeling; the next millennium, pp. 405 - 410 (Ed. Berliner, L. J.). Kluwer Academic /Plenum Publishers, New York (1998)
Book Chapter
Neher, E.: A dual role for [Ca++] in the distal steps of secretion control. In: The Adrenal Chromaffin Cell, pp. 145 - 153 (Eds. Kanno, T.; Nakazato , Y.; Kumakura, K.). Hokkaido University Press, Sapporo (1998)
Book Chapter
Neher, E.: Patch Clamp Amplifier. In: Instruments of Science: An Historical Encyclopedia, pp. 438 - 440 (Eds. Bud, R.; Warner, D. J.). Garland Publ., London (1998)
Book Chapter
Immunofluorescence microscopy of cultured cells. In: Cell Biology: A laboratory handbook, pp. 462 - 468 (Ed. Celis, J. E.). Academic Press, San Diego (1998)
Book Chapter
Pietrasanta, L. I.; Schaper, A.; Jovin, T. M.: Imaging subcellular structures in the scanning force microscope. In: Cell Biology: A laboratory handbook. Vol. 3, pp. 355 - 360 (Ed. Celis, J. E.). Academic Press, New York (1998)
Book Chapter
Sankaram, M. B.; Marsh, D.: Analysis of spin label line shapes with novel inhomogeneous broadening from different component widths: Application to spatially disconnected domains in membranes. In: Spin labeling. The next millennium, pp. 5 - 21 (Ed. Berliner, L.J.). Plenum Press, New York (1998)
Book Chapter
Schaper, A.; Jovin, T. M.: Detergent spreading of DNA on mica using nonionic and cationic detergents. In: Procedures in scanning probe microscopies, pp. 394 - 397 (Eds. Colton, R. J.; Engel, A.; Frommer, J. E.; Gaub, H. E.; Gewirth, A. A. et al.). Wiley, London (1998)
Book Chapter
Blasi, J.; Link, E.; Jahn, R.: Isolated nerve terminals as a model system for the study of Botulinum and Tetanus toxins. In: Bacterial toxins (Ed. Aktories, K.). Chapman & Hall/CRC, London (1997)
Book Chapter
Frahm, J.; Krueger, G.; Merboldt, K. D.; Kleinschmidt, A.: Dynamic NMR studies of perfusion and oxidative metabolism during focal brain activation. In: OPTICAL IMAGING OF BRAIN FUNCTION AND METABOLISM 2, Vol. 413, pp. 195 - 203. PLENUM PRESS DIV PLENUM PUBLISHING CORP, NEW YORK (1997)
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