Book Chapter (339)

Book Chapter
Eibl, H.; Unger, C.: Phosholipide als Antitumormittel. Möglichkeiten einer selektiven Therapie. In: Die Zellmembran als Angriffspunkt der Tumortherapie (Ed. Unger, C.). Zuckerschwerdt, München (1987)
Book Chapter
Neher, E.: Secretion as studied by the patch clamp technique. In: Synaptic Transmitters and Receptors, pp. 40 - 46 (Ed. Tuček , S.). Wiley, Chichester (1987)
Book Chapter
Neher, E.; Almers, W.: Patch pipettes used for loading small cells with fluorescent indicator dyes. In: Biophysics of the Pankreatic ß-Cells, pp. 1 - 5 (Eds. Atwater, I.; Rojas, E.; Soria, B.). Springer, Boston MA (1987)
Book Chapter
Neher, E.; Fernandez, J.; Lindau, M.: The calcium dependence of vesicle exocytosis. In: Molecular Neurobiology in Neurology and Psychiatry, pp. 103 - 110 (Ed. Kandel, E. R.). Raven Press, New York (1987)
Book Chapter
Eigen, M.: Stufen zum Leben. In: Zeugen des Wissens, pp. 341 - 377 (Ed. Maier-Leibnitz, H.). Von Hase und Koehler, Mainz (1986)
Book Chapter
Geisler, N.; Weber, K.: Structural aspects of intermediate filaments. In: Cell and Molecular Biology of the Cytoskeleton, pp. 41 - 68 (Ed. Shay, J. W.) (1986)
Book Chapter
Küppers, B. O.: Evolution und der Ursprung des Lebens. In: Deutschland. Porträt einer Nation, Vol. 5, pp. 348 - 352. Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag, Gütersloh (1986)
Book Chapter
Küppers, B. O.: Molekulare Selbstorganisation und die Entstehung biologischer Information. In: Der Informationsbegriff in Wissenschaft und Technik, pp. 181 - 203 (Ed. Folberth, O. G.). Oldenbourg, München (1986)
Book Chapter
Küppers, B. O.: Wissenschaftsphilosophische Aspekte der Lebensentstehung. In: Selbstorganisation. Die Entstehung von Ordnung in Natur und Gesellschaft, pp. 81 - 101 (Ed. Dress, A.). Piper, München (1986)
Book Chapter
Küppers, B. O.: Zur Selbstorganisation informationstragender Systeme. In: Die Welt als offenes System. Eine Kontroverse um das Werk von Ilya Prigogine, pp. 70 - 84. Fischer, Frankfurt (1986)
Book Chapter
Neher, E.: Patch clamp studies on the role of calcium in secretion. In: Membrane Control of Cellular Activity, Vol. 33, pp. 275 - 286 (Ed. Lüttgau, H. C.). Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, New York (1986)
Book Chapter
Neher, E.: Concentration profiles of intracellular calcium in the presence of a diffusible chelator. In: Calcium Electrogenesis and Neuronal Functioning, pp. 80 - 96 (Eds. Heinemann, U.; Klee, M.; Neher, E.; Singer, W.). Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (1986)
Book Chapter
Porschke, D.: Intramolecular collaps of DNA; structure and dynamics. In: Biomolecular Stereodynamics IV, pp. 11 - 20 (Ed. Sarma, R. H.). Guilderland, New York (1986)
Book Chapter
Porschke, D.: Mg 2+-inner sphere complexes at "ends" and "bends" of polynucleotides and their potential role as long range inducers of conformation changes. In: Structure and Dynamics of RNA, pp. 77 - 85 (Ed. Van Knippenberg, P. H.). Plenum, New York (1986)
Book Chapter
Whittaker, V. P.; Borroni, E.; Ferretti, P.; Richardson, G. P.: Cholinergic-specific nerve terminal antigens. In: Investigation and Exploitation of Antibody Combining Sites (Ed. Reid, E.). Plenum, New York (1986)
Book Chapter
Albus, K.: A microelectrode study of the spatial arrangement of iso-orientation bands in the cat's striate cortex. In: Models of the visual cortex, pp. 485 - 491 (Ed. Rose, D.). Wiley, Chichester (1985)
Book Chapter
Alshuth, T.; Hildebrandt, P.; Stockburger, M.: Structural and kinetic resonance raman studies on bacteriorhodopsin's retinal chromophore. In: Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules, pp. 319 - 324 (Ed. Alix, A. J. P.). Wiley, Chichester (1985)
Book Chapter
Bodenstein, G.; Creutzfeldt, O. D.: Adaptive segmentation of the EEG and its possible application to sleep research. In: Methods of sleep research, pp. 47 - 54 (Ed. Kubicki, S.). Fischer, Stuttgart (1985)
Book Chapter
Clegg, R. M.; Vaz, W.L.C.: Translational diffusion of proteins and lipids in artificial lipid bilayer membranes. A comparison of experiment with theory. In: Progress in protein-lipid interactions, Vol. 1, pp. 173 - 229 (Ed. Watts, A.) (1985)
Book Chapter
Cowan, J. D.; von der Malsburg, C.: A proposed mechanism for the origin and development of iso-orientation columns. In: Models of the visual cortex, pp. 462 - 472 (Ed. Rose, D.). Wiley, Chichester (1985)
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