Journal Article (2372)

Journal Article
Demgenski, P.: Salvaguarda do patrimônio cultural imaterial na China contemporânea: entre sustentabilidade e mercantilização. Revista do Centro de Pesquisa e Formação 12, pp. 113 - 123 (2021)
Journal Article
Eichler, J.; Barnier-Khawam, P.: Criminalization, securitization and other Forms of illegalizing indigenous contestations in Chile: responses from constitutional law and Inter-American jurisprudence on Mapuche poeople’s rights. Journal of Human Rights Practice 13 (2), pp. 357 - 385 (2021)
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Kumpf, D.: Multispecies monocultures: organic agriculture and resistance on Indian tea plantations. Berliner Blätter 84, pp. 49 - 61 (2021)
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Xiang, B.: Reproduction-driven labor migration from China. The Georgetown Journal of Asian Affairs 7, pp. 34 - 43 (2021)
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Brumann, C.; Gfeller, A. É.: Cultural landscapes and the UNESCO World Heritage List: perpetuating European dominance. International Journal of Heritage Studies 28 (2), pp. 147 - 162 (2021)
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Hohnen, P.; Ulfstjerne, M. A.; Krabbe, M.: Assessing creditworthiness in the age of big data: a comparative study of credit score systems in Denmark and the US. Journal of Extreme Anthropology 5 (1), pp. 29 - 55 (2021)
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Eichler, J.; Sonkar, S.: Challenging absolute executive powers in times of corona: re-examining constitutional courts and the collective right to public contestation as instruments of institutional control. Review of Economics and Political Science 6 (1), pp. 3 - 23 (2021)
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Xiang, B.: Introduction: suspension; seeking agency for change in the hypermobile world. Pacific Affairs 94 (2), pp. 233 - 250 (2021)
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Haxby, A.: The ambiguity of price and the labor of land brokers in Kathmandu, Nepal. Economic Anthropology 8 (2), pp. 247 - 258 (2021)
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Szombati, K. T.: Placing anthropology at the forefront: studying far-right transformism. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale 29 (2), pp. 364 - 366 (2021)
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Vorhölter, J.: Anthropology anonymous? Pseudonyms and confidentiality as challenges for ethnography in the twenty-first century. Ethnoscripts 23 (1), pp. 15 - 33 (2021)
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Alsoos, I.: What explains the resilience of Muslim Brotherhood movements? An analysis of Hamas' organizing strategies. Mediterranean Politics 28 (2) (2021)
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Walker, I.: The Hadrami diaspora: a "diaspora for others" in the Indian Ocean. Journal of Indian Ocean World Studies 4 (2), pp. 188 - 211 (2021)
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Walker, I.; Slama, M.: The Indian Ocean as a diasporic space: a conceptual introduction. Journal of Indian Ocean World Studies 4 (2), pp. 76 - 90 (2021)
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Rayner, J.: Autonomy, centrality and persistence in place: the indigenous movement and the right to the city in Quito. City and Society 33 (1), pp. 147 - 170 (2021)
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Trevisani, T.: Restructuring marriage and family in industrial Kazakhstan: axes of inequality and conjugality in a former Soviet steel plant. Oriente Moderno 100 (2), pp. 200 - 224 (2021)
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Relano Pastor, E.: Derechos de las mujeres y libertad religiosa: ¿irreconciliables? Cuestiones de Pluralismo 1 (1) (2021)
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Harms, A.: What kinds of activism do regenerative cultures fuel and how might we research them? Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale 29 (1), pp. 238 - 240 (2021)
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Jacobs, A. M.; Büthe, T.; Arjona, A.; Arriola, L. R.; Bellin, E.; Bennet, A.; Björkman, L.; Bleich, E.; Elkins, Z.; Fairfield, T. et al.; Gaikwad, N.; Greitens, S. C.; Hawkesworth, M.; Herrera, V.; Herrera, Y. M.; Johnson, K. S.; Karakoç, E.; Koivu, K.; Kreuzer, M.; Lake, M.; Luke, T. W.; MacLean, L. M.; Majic, S.; Maxwell, R.; Mampilly, Z.; Mickey, R.; Morgan, K. J.; Parkinson, S. E.; Parsons, C.; Pearlman, W.; Pollack, M. A.; Posner, E.; Riedl, R. B.; Schatz, E.; Schneider, C. Q.; Schwedler, J.; Shesterinina, A.; Simmons, E. S.; Singerman, D.; Soifer, H. D.; Smith, N. R.; Spitzer, S.; Tallberg, J.; Thomson, S.; Vázquez-Arroyo, A. Y.; Vis, B.; Wedeen, L.; Williams, J. A.; Wood, E. J.; Yashar, D. J.: The qualitative transparency deliberations: insights and implications. Perspectives on Politics 19 (1), pp. 171 - 208 (2021)
Journal Article
Relano Pastor, E.: Normalizando la discriminación religiosa en el ámbito laboral: presunciones, estereotipos y barreras para la libertad religiosa. Cuestiones de Pluralismo 1 (1) (2021)
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