Journal Article (2372)

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Zoanni, T.: The ecology of disabled minds in urban Uganda. Medical Anthropology 40 (2), pp. 169 - 181 (2021)
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Lambert, L.: Who is doing asylum in Niger? State bureaucrats' perspectives and strategies on the externalization of refugee protection. Anthropologie et Développement 51, pp. 85 - 101 (2020)
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Margaria, A.: Trans men giving birth and reflections on fatherhood: what to expect? International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 34 (3), pp. 225 - 246 (2020)
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Rayner, J.; Morales Rivera, V.: The counter-movement through the lens of generation: emancipation, protection, and neoliberalization in Costa Rica, 2000–2018. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 25 (4), pp. 569 - 589 (2020)
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Sona, F.: Reasonable accommodation in fertility clinics: the case of Muslim patients. Revista General de Derecho Público Comparado 28, 423179 (2020)
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Lems, A.: Phenomenology of exclusion: capturing the everyday thresholds of belonging. Social Inclusion 8 (4), pp. 116 - 125 (2020)
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Schneider, L.: 'My home is my people' homemaking among rough sleepers in Leipzig, Germany. Housing Studies 37 (2), pp. 232 - 249 (2020)
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Buier, N.: The second coming of rail: the Spanish high‐speed rail‐finance complex. Antipode 52 (6), pp. 1603 - 1623 (2020)
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Eichler, J.: "Migrating recognition" or "constitutionalism reversed": relating Andean plurinational constitutionalism and European integration politics. Human Rights Quarterly 42 (4), pp. 790 - 816 (2020)
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Kumpf, D.: Organic taste and labour on Indian tea plantations. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale 28 (4), pp. 789 - 802 (2020)
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Scheiring, G.; Szombati, K. T.: From neoliberal disembedding to authoritarian re-embedding: the making of illiberal hegemony in Hungary. International Sociology 35 (6), pp. 721 - 738 (2020)
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Bianchini, K.: Identifying the stateless in statelessness determination procedures and immigration detention in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Refugee Law 32 (3), pp. 440 - 471 (2020)
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Raza, F.: Limitations to the right to religious freedom: rethinking key approaches. Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 9 (3), pp. 435 - 462 (2020)
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Bedert, M.: Refugees, identity, and the limits to inclusion: revisiting landlord-stranger reciprocity relations in contemporary Liberia. African Studies Review 63 (3), pp. 640 - 659 (2020)
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Hann, C.: In search of civil society: from peasant populism to postpeasant illiberalism in provincial Hungary. Social Science Information 59 (3), pp. 459 - 483 (2020)
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Margaria, A.: Padri ai tempi della PMA e GPA: uno sguardo sulla giurisprudenza CEDU. GenIUS 1, pp. 93 - 106 (2020)
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Schneider, L.: Elders and transactional relationships in Sierra Leone: rethinking synchronic approaches. Africa 90 (4), pp. 701 - 720 (2020)
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Baas, M.: Labour migrants as an (un)controllable virus in India and Singapore. Japan Focus 18 (14) (2020)
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Céspedes, R.: Indigenous autonomy and justice for Latin American indigenous women. Cultura, Hombre, Sociedad 30 (1), pp. 126 - 144 (2020)
Journal Article
Liebert, S.; Siddiqui, M. H.; Görzig, C.: Integration of Muslim immigrants in Europe and North America: a transatlantic comparison. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 40 (2), pp. 196 - 216 (2020)
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