Journal Article (2372)

Journal Article
Hann, C.: Comment on David G. Anderson and Dmitry V. Arzyutov "The Etnos Archipelago: Sergei M. Shirokogoroff and the life history of a controversial anthropological concept". Current Anthropology 60 (6), pp. 756 - 757 (2019)
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Hann, C.: The seductions of Europe and the solidarities of Eurasia: keynote lecture, IUAES inter-congress "World Solidarities", Poznań, 27th August 2019. Lud 103, pp. 31 - 47 (2019)
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Hann, C.: Comment on Sarah Bakker Kellogg "Perforating kinship: Syriac Christianity, ethnicity, and secular legibility". Current Anthropology 60 (4), pp. 487 - 488 (2019)
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Knörr, J.; Schroven, A.: Global and local models of governance in interaction: configurations of power in Upper Guinea Coast societies. Journal of Contemporary African Studies 37 (1), pp. 57 - 71 (2019)
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Lamoureaux, S.; Sureau, T.: Knowledge and legitimacy: the fragility of digital mobilisation in Sudan. Journal of Eastern African Studies 13 (1), pp. 35 - 53 (2019)
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Lems, A.: Existential kinetics of movement and stasis: young Eritrean refugees' thwarted hopes of movement-through-education. Suomen Antropologi 44 (2), pp. 59 - 80 (2019)
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Lems, A.; Tošić , J.: Preface: stuck in motion? Capturing the dialectics of movement and stasis in an era of containment. Suomen Antropologi 44 (2), pp. 3 - 19 (2019)
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Mikuš, M.: Contesting household debt in Croatia: the double movement of financialization and the fetishism of money in Eastern European peripheries. Dialectical Anthropology 43 (3), pp. 295 - 315 (2019)
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Nakueira, S.: The politics of accusation amidst conditions of precarity in the Nakivale Resettlement Camp. Cambridge Journal of Anthropology 37 (2), pp. 39 - 56 (2019)
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Nakueira, S.: Governing through paperwork: examining the regulatory effects of documentary practices in a refugee settlement. Journal of Legal Anthropology 3 (2), pp. 10 - 28 (2019)
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Nieber, H.: Islamic Zanzibar: between the Indian ocean and the African mainland. Journal of Africana Religions 7 (1), pp. 131 - 137 (2019)
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Pinheiro, C. C.; Schröder, P.; Vermeulen, H. F.: Introduction: German tradition in Latin American anthropology. Revista de Antropologia 62 (1), pp. 64 - 96 (2019)
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Relaño Pastor, E.: When religious discrimination is not related to religion or belief. International Labor Rights Case Law 5 (3), pp. 325 - 329 (2019)
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Rochow, F.: Die räumliche Erscheinungsform des Neobasolutismus: Militärarchitektur in Lemberg und Wien in den 1850er Jahren. Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung 68 (2), pp. 157 - 188 (2019)
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