Journal Article (2372)

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Glick Schiller, N.; Frykman, M. P.: Transnational regimes and migrant responses in an altered historical conjuncture. Nordic Journal of Migration Research 8 (4), pp. 199 - 200 (2018)
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Hann, C.: Preface: recognizing Eurasia. Comparativ 28 (4), pp. 7 - 13 (2018)
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Hann, C.: Eurasian dynamics: from agrarian axiality to the connectivities of the Capitalocene. Comparativ 28 (4), pp. 14 - 27 (2018)
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Hanschel, D.: Wem gehört der Wind? Europarechtliche Aspekte einer veränderten Zuordnung von Ernte- und Kompensationsrechten bei der Onshore-Windenergie. Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht 29 (1), pp. 3 - 11 (2018)
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Müller, D.; Steiner, K.: The bureaucratisation of Islam in Southeast Asia: transdisciplinary perspectives. Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs 37 (1), pp. 3 - 26 (2018)
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Müller, D.: Hybrid pathways to orthodoxy in Brunei Darussalam: bureaucratised exorcism, scientisation and the mainstreaming of deviant-declared practices. Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs 37 (1), pp. 141 - 183 (2018)
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Müller, D.: Social categorization and religiously framed state-making in Brunei: from criminalizing supernatural healers to the rise of bureaucratized exorcism. Berita 2018 (Summer), pp. 9 - 21 (2018)
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