Journal Article (2372)

Journal Article
Björkman, L.: Pipe politics as politics: comparative and theoretical insights. Dialogues in Human Geography 7 (3), pp. 352 - 356 (2017)
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Bräuchler, B.; Ménard, A.: Patterns of im/mobility, conflict and the re/making of identity narratives. Social Identities 23 (4), pp. 379 - 395 (2017)
Journal Article
Brockmann, J.; Schmidt, M.: Was wird künftig im Staatsexamen geprüft? Für eine qualitative Präzisierung der Prüfungsanforderungen. Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Rechtswissenschaft 4 (2), pp. 83 - 89 (2017)
Journal Article
Bruckermann, C.: The materiality of the uncanny: preserving the ruins of revolution in rural Chinese homes in special issue on dwelling. Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 37 (3), pp. 446 - 455 (2017)
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Bruckermann, C.: Longevity, labor, and care between kin and state in China. Global Europe (114), pp. 2 - 23 (2017)
Journal Article
Bruckermann, C.: Caring claims and the relational self across time: grandmothers overcoming reproductive crises in rural China. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 23 (2), pp. 356 - 375 (2017)
Journal Article
Campbell, B.: The gods of the hunt: stereotypes, risk and national identity in a Spanish enclave in North Africa. Anthropological Journal of European Cultures 26 (2), pp. 127 - 151 (2017)
Journal Article
Carlier, J.-Y.; Leboeuf, L.: Choice of residence for refugees and subsidiary protection beneficiaries; variations on the equality principle: Alo and Osso. Common Market Law Review 54 (2), pp. 631 - 644 (2017)
Journal Article
Céspedes, R.: Cargas públicas y enriquecimiento sin causa: un caso del siglo XIX. Revista de estudios histórico-jurídicos 39, pp. 379 - 383 (2017)
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Davtyan, R.; Herles, M.: Neue Untersuchungen in der Provinz Lori (Armenien). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 149, pp. 9 - 56 (2017)
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Eidson, J. R.; Feyissa, D.; Fuest, V.; Hoehne, M. V.; Nieswand, B.; Schlee, G.; Zenker, O.: From identification to framing and alignment: a new approach to the comparative analysis of collective identities. Current Anthropology 58 (3), pp. 340 - 351 (2017)
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Elliesie, H.: Traditional forms of social protection in Africa: selected examples from Ethiopian and Eritrean societies. Recht in Afrika 20, pp. 58 - 73 (2017)
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Feischmidt, M.; Szombati, K. T.: Understanding the rise of the far right from a local perspective: structural and cultural conditions of ethno-traditionalist inclusion and racial exclusion in rural Hungary. Identities 24 (3), pp. 313 - 331 (2017)
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Gemechu Chala, D.: Blessing the route, striving for peace and success: Borana-Arbore ritual gift exchange. Anthropos 112 (1), pp. 153 - 165 (2017)
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Glick Schiller, N.; Eckert, J. M.; Reyna, S. P.: Debate on the nature and significance of Critique. Anthropological Theory 17 (2), p. 261 - 261 (2017)
Journal Article
Hann, C.: Embeddedness and effervescence: political economy and community sociality through a century of transformations in rural Hungary. Ethnologie Française 3 (167), pp. 543 - 553 (2017)
Journal Article
Hann, C.: Whose moods?: anthropologists in a bubble; comment on Borneman, John, and Parvis Ghassem-Fachandi "The concept of Stimmung: from indifference to xenophobia in Germany’s refugee crisis". HAU 7 (3), pp. 147 - 151 (2017)
Journal Article
Hann, C.: Multiscalar narrative identities: individual and nation, Europe and Eurasia. Politeja 49, pp. 15 - 36 (2017)
Journal Article
Hann, C.: Eurázsia ma: Kínai biciklik, német autók és vidéki magyar közösségek. Eszmélet 116, pp. 151 - 166 (2017)
Journal Article
Hann, C.: Making sense of Eurasia: reflections on Max Weber and Jack Goody. New Literary History 48 (4), pp. 685 - 699 (2017)
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