Journal Article (2372)

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Relaño Pastor, E.: Towards substantive equality for religious believers in the workplace? Two supranational European courts, two different approaches. Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 5 (2), pp. 255 - 279 (2016)
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Vorhölter, J.: Beyond dichotomies: complexifying intergenerational debates and discourses on post-war society in northern Uganda. Journal of Peace and Security Studies 2 (1), pp. 4 - 19 (2016)
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Hann, C.: Jack Goody (1919-2015) obituary. American Anthropologist 118 (1), pp. 226 - 229 (2016)
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Nguyen, M. T. N.: Trading in broken things: gendered performances and spatial practices in a northern Vietnamese rural-urban waste economy. American Ethnologist 43 (1), pp. 116 - 129 (2016)
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Hann, C.: A concept of Eurasia. Current Anthropology 57 (1), pp. 1 - 10 (2016)
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Yanasmayan, Z.: Does education ‘trump’ nationality?: boundary-drawing practices among highly educated migrants from Turkey. Ethnic and Racial Studies 39 (11), pp. 2041 - 2059 (2016)
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Abrahms-Kavunenko, S.: Spiritually enmeshed, socially enmeshed: shamanism and belonging in Ulaanbaatar. Social Analysis 60, pp. 1 - 16 (2016)
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Alymbaeva, A.: Between Sart, Kalmak and Kyrgyz: identity politics in Kyrgyzstan. Internationales Asien-Forum 47 (1-2), pp. 81 - 101 (2016)
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Alymbaeva, A.; Ismailbekova, A.: Refleksija iz "polja", ili "antropologija u sebja doma": o regionalʹnom podchode i marginalʹnosti tematiki Centralʹnoj Azii. Antropologičeskij Forum 28, pp. 17 - 35 (2016)
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Ampuero Ruiz, P.: Diplomacia en transición: la República Popular China frente a la dictadura cívico-militar en Chile. Estudios Políticos 49, pp. 35 - 54 (2016)
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Andreetta, S.: Pourquoi aller au tribunal si l’on n’exécute pas la décision du juge ? conflits d’héritage et usages du droit à Cotonou. Politique africaine 1 (141), pp. 147 - 168 (2016)
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Baas, M.: Becoming trans/nationally mobile: the conflation of internal and international migration in the trajectories of Indian student-migrants in Australia and beyond. South Asia 39 (1), pp. 14 - 28 (2016)
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Bellér-Hann, I.: Hapiz Niyaz: cadre, muslim, historian; a local intellectual in Eastern Xinjiang. Études Orientales 27-28, pp. 87 - 115 (2016)
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Billaud, J.: Snapshots of British Islam: exploring self, identity, and the good ethical life in the global megalopolis. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 45 (5), pp. 503 - 528 (2016)
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Bognitz, S.: Technologien der Zukunft: Einblicke in Strategien der Aneignung neuer Technologien in Ruanda. Ruanda Revue 2016 (1) (2016)
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Bruckermann, C.: Trading on tradition: tourism, ritual, and capitalism in a Chinese village. Modern China 42 (2), pp. 188 - 224 (2016)
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Buffavand, L.: 'The land does not like them': contesting dispossession in cosmological terms in Mela, South-West Ethiopia. Journal of Eastern African Studies 10 (3), pp. 476 - 493 (2016)
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Calkins, S.: How ‚clean gold’ game to matter: metal detectors, infrastructure, and valuation. HAU 6 (2), pp. 173 - 195 (2016)
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Campbell, B.: Of chicks, lice and mackerel: carnival and transgression in a cosmopolitan Spanish enclave in Morocco. Ethnos 81 (3), pp. 448 - 477 (2016)
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