Collected Edition (347)

Collected Edition
Kirsch, T. G.; Turner, B. (Eds.): Permutations of order: religion and law as contested sovereignties. Ashgate, Farnham; Burlington (2009), XII, 269 pp.
Collected Edition
Kiss, T.; Fosztó, L.; Fleck, G. (Eds.): Incluziune şi excluziune: studii de caz asupra comunităţilor de romi din România. Editura Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minorităţilor Naţionale, Cluj-Napoca (2009), 256 pp.
Collected Edition
Leutloff-Grandits, C.; Peleikis, A.; Thelen, T. (Eds.): Social security in religious networks. Berghahn, New York (2009), VII, 238 pp.
Collected Edition
O'Kane, D.; Redeker-Hepner, T. (Eds.): Biopolitics, militarism, and development: Eritrea in the twenty-first century. Berghahn, New York (2009), XXXVII, 197 pp.
Collected Edition
Pelkmans, M. (Ed.): Conversion after socialism: disruptions, modernisms and technologies of faith in the former Soviet Union. Berghahn, New York (2009), 208 pp.
Collected Edition
Röttger-Rössler, B.; Markowitsch, H. J. (Eds.): Emotions as bio-cultural processes. Springer, New York (2009), XII, 418 pp.
Collected Edition
Schlee, G.; Watson, E. E. (Eds.): Changing identifications and alliances in North-East Africa: 1; Ethiopia and Kenya. Berghahn, New York; Oxford (2009), XII, 260 pp.
Collected Edition
Schlee, G.; Watson, E. E. (Eds.): Changing identifications and alliances in North-East Africa: 2; Sudan, Uganda, and the Ethiopia-Sudan borderlands. Berghahn, New York; Oxford (2009), X, 270 pp.
Collected Edition
Abicht, L.; Abu Zayd, N.; Al-Azm, S.; Ali, T.; Bowen, J.; Dillemans, R.; Eyskens, M.; Foblets, M.-C.; Leysen, A.; Modood, T. et al.; Peters, R.; Rondas, J.-P.; Tibi, B. (Eds.): Islam & Europe: challenges and opportunities; [lectures Forum A. & A. Leysen 2006 - 2007]. Leuven University Press, Leuven (2008), 191 pp.
Collected Edition
Arnaut, K.; Højbjerg, C. K.; Raeymaekers, T. (Eds.): Gouverner entre guerre et paix. Karthala, Paris (2008), 206 pp.
Collected Edition
Eckert, J. M. (Ed.): The social life of anti-terrorism laws: the war on terror and the classifications of the "dangerous other". transcript, Bielefeld (2008), 195 pp.
Collected Edition
Eidson, J. (Ed.): Das anthropologische Projekt: Perspektiven aus der Forschungslandschaft Halle/Leipzig. Leipziger Universitätsverlag, Leipzig (2008), 276 pp.
Collected Edition
Endres, K. W. (Ed.): Zwischen Dreisam und Jangtse: chinesische Migranten in Freiburg erzählen ihre Lebensgeschichte. Books on Demand, Norderstedt (2008), 164 pp.
Collected Edition
Hanschel, D.; Kielmansegg, S. G.; Kischel, U.; Lorz, R. A. (Eds.): Praxis des internationalen Menschenrechtsschutzes: Entwicklungen und Perspektiven; Symposium aus Anlass des 65. Geburtages von Eibe Riedel. Boorberg, Stuttgart; München; Hannover; Berlin; Weimar; Dresden (2008), 53 pp.
Collected Edition
Heintz, M. (Ed.): Weak state, uncertain citizenship: Moldova; [conference "Emerging citizenship and contested identities between the Danube, Prut and Dniestr rivers", ... organised ... in March 2005 ... in Halle, Germany]. Peter Lang, Frankfurt/Main (2008), XI, 252 pp.
Collected Edition
Lauser, A.; Weißköppel, C. (Eds.): Migration und religiöse Dynamik: ethnologische Religionsforschung im transnationalen Kontext. transcript, Bielefeld (2008), 274 pp.
Collected Edition
Mahieu, S.; Naumescu, V. (Eds.): Churches in-between: Greek Catholic churches in postsocialist Europe. LIT, Berlin (2008), XI, 340 pp.
Collected Edition
Meyer, K.: Rußland: vertraute Fremde; Neues und Bleibendes in historischer Perspektive; ausgewählte Beiträge von Klaus Meyer. Peter Lang, Frankfurt/Main (2008), 362 pp.
Collected Edition
Mihăilescu, V.; Iliev, I.; Naumovi´c, S. (Eds.): Studying peoples in the people's democracies II: socialist era anthropology in South-East Europe. LIT, Münster (2008), X, 454 pp.
Collected Edition
Pine, F.; Pina-Cabral, J. d. (Eds.): On the margins of religion. Berghahn, New York (2008), VI, 286 pp.
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