Collected Edition (347)

Collected Edition
Van Den Broeck, B.; Foblets, M.-C. (Eds.): Het failliet van de integratie?: het multiculturalismedebat in Vlaanderen. Acco, Leuven (2002), 259 pp.
Collected Edition
Vermeulen, H. F. (Ed.): Tales from academia: Pt. 1. Verlag für Entwicklungspolitik, Saarbrücken (2002), XV, 598 pp.
Collected Edition
Vermeulen, H. F.: Tales from academia: Pt. 2. Verlag für Entwicklungspolitik, Saarbrücken (2002), IX, 531 pp.
Collected Edition
Cuypers, D.; Hubeau, B.; Foblets, M.-C. (Eds.): Migratie- en migrantenrecht: recente ontwikkelingen; deel 6. die Keure, Brugge (2001), XXIX, 503 pp.
Collected Edition
Finke, P.; Sancak, M. (Eds.): Zwischen Markt- und Mangelwirtschaft: Berichte eines Feldforschungsaufenthaltes im ländlichen Kasachstan und Kirgizstan im Jahre 1999. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Almaty (2001), 108 p pp.
Collected Edition
Schlee, G.; Horstmann, A. (Eds.): Integration durch Verschiedenheit: lokale und globale Formen interkultureller Kommunikation. transcript, Bielefeld (2001), 407 p pp.
Collected Edition
Widlok, T.; Sugawara, K. (Eds.): Symbolic categories and ritual practice in hunter-gatherer experiences. The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto (2001), 186 p pp.
Collected Edition
Köpping, K.-P.; Rao, U. (Eds.): Im Rausch des Rituals: Gestaltung und Transformation der Wirklichkeit in körperlicher Performanz. Lit, Münster; Hamburg; London (2000), 247 pp.
Collected Edition
Benda-Beckmann, F. v.; Benda-Beckmann, K. v.; Marks, H. (Eds.): Coping with insecurity: an "underall" perspective on social security in the Third World. Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta (2000), 239 p pp.
Collected Edition
Benda-Beckmann, F. v.; Benda-Beckmann, K. v.; Pradhan, R. (Eds.): Water, land and law: changing rights to land and water in Nepal; proceedings of a workshop held in Kathmandu, 18-20 March 1998. Legal Research and Development Forum, Kathmandu (2000), 278 p pp.
Collected Edition
Cuypers, D.; Hubeau, B.; Foblets, M.-C. (Eds.): Recente ontwikkelingen: sociale grondrechten. die Keure, Brugge (2000), XXVIII, 380 pp.
Collected Edition
Diallo, Y.; Schlee, G. (Eds.): L'ethnicité peule dans des contextes nouveaux: la dynamique des frontières. Karthala, Paris (2000), 255 pp.
Collected Edition
Hann, C.; Stępień, S. (Eds.): Tradycja a tożsamość: wywiady wśród mniejszości ukraińskiej w Przemyślu = Tradition and identity: interviews among the Ukrainian minority in Przemyśl. Południowo-Wschodni Instytut Naukowy w Przemyślu, Przemyśl (2000), 329 p pp.
Collected Edition
Hubeau, B.; Foblets, M.-C. (Eds.): Migratie- en migrantenrecht: recente ontwikkelingen; deel 4. die Keure, Brugge (2000), XIV, 266 pp.
Collected Edition
Knörr, J.; Meier, B. (Eds.): Women and migration: anthropological perspectives. Campus, Frankfurt/Main (2000), 268 pp.
Collected Edition
Foblets, M.-C.; Pang, C. L. (Eds.): Cultuur, etniciteit en migratie = Culture, ethnicity and migration: liber amicorum Prof. Dr. E. Roosens. Acco, Leuven (1999), 317 pp.
Collected Edition
Hubeau, B.; Foblets, M.-C. (Eds.): Migratie- en migrantenrecht: recente ontwikkelingen; deel 3. die Keure, Brugge (1999), XXI, 389 pp.
Collected Edition
Reyna, S. P.; Downs, R.E. (Eds.): Deadly developments: capitalism, states and war. Gordon and Breach, Amsterdam (1999), VI, 282 pp.
Collected Edition
Strijbosch, F.; Foblets, M.-C. (Eds.): Relations familiales interculturelles: séminaire interdisciplinaire juridique et anthropologique = Cross-cultural family relation: reports of a socio-legal seminar. International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Oñati (1999), 300 pp.
Collected Edition
Foblets, M.-C. (Ed.): Marokkaanse migrantenvrouwen in gezinsgeschillen: wat zijn passende juridische oplossingen? Maklu, Antwerpen (1998), 476 pp.
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