Journal Article (2372)

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Benda-Beckmann, K. v.: Trust and the temporalities of law. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 46 (1), pp. 1 - 17 (2014)
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Björkman, L.: Un/known waters: navigating everyday risks of infrastructural breakdown in Mumbai. Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 34 (3), pp. 497 - 517 (2014)
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Björkman, L.: Becoming a slum: from municipal colony to illegal settlement in liberalization‐era Mumbai. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 38 (1), pp. 36 - 59 (2014)
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Bollig, M.; Finke, P.: Explanatory models in anthropology: methodological refinements, cross-cultural comparison and theoretical developments. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 139 (1), pp. 39 - 54 (2014)
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Bondarenko, D. M.; Grätz, T.; Skalník, P.: Anthropology, history, and memory in Sub-Saharan Africa: in memoriam Michel Izard. Social Evolution and History 13 (2), pp. 5 - 16 (2014)
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Bonnin, C.: Những trao đổi địa phương và buôn bán trâu tại chợ ở vùng cao Viêt Nam (tỉnh Lào Cai) = Local exchanges and marketplace trade of water Buffalo in Upland Vietnam (Lào Cai province). Tâp-Chì Dân Tôc-H.oc = Études Ethnographiques 186 (3), pp. 72 - 83 (2014)
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Brumann, C.: Shifting tides of world-making in the UNESCO World Heritage Convention: cosmopolitanisms colliding. Ethnic and Racial Studies 37 (12), pp. 2176 - 2192 (2014)
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Carrier, J. G.: Economic deviance. Anthropology Today 30 (6), pp. 1 - 2 (2014)
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Dorondel, Ş.; Popa, I.-M.: Workings of the state: administrative lists, European Union food aid, and the local practices of distribution in rural Romania. Social Analysis 58 (3), pp. 124 - 140 (2014)
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