Journal Article (2372)

Journal Article
Foblets, M.-C.: RIEJ, désormais plate-forme pour l’analyse contextuelle du droit?: attention aux cures de jouvence qui rétrécissent le champ de vue! Revue Interdisciplinaire d'Études Juridiques 70, pp. 84 - 91 (2013)
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Foblets, M.-C.: Freedom of religion and belief in the European workplace: which way forward and what role for the European Union? International Journal of Discrimination and the Law 13 (2-3), pp. 240 - 255 (2013)
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Grätz, T.: New media entrepreneurs and changing styles of public communication in Africa: introduction. Journal of African Cultural Studies 25 (1), pp. 1 - 13 (2013)
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Grätz, T.: Radio advertising and entrepreneurial conjunctions in Benin: producers, styles & technologies. Journal of African Cultural Studies 25 (1), pp. 42 - 56 (2013)
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Heady, P.: Meždinni perspektivi: teoretizirane na otnošenieto meždu rodstvena terminologija i praktika. Bălgarska Etnologija 39 (4), pp. 512 - 517 (2013)
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Hoehne, M. V.: Limits of hybrid political orders: the case of Somaliland. Journal of Eastern African Studies 7 (2), pp. 199 - 217 (2013)
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Hoehne, M. V.; Ingiriis, M. H.: The impact of civil war and state collapse on the roles of Somali women: a blessing in disguise. Journal of Eastern African Studies 7 (2), pp. 314 - 333 (2013)
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Ismailbekova, A.: Coping strategies: public avoidance, migration, and marriage in the aftermath of the Osh conflict, Fergana Valley. Nationalities Papers 41 (1), pp. 109 - 127 (2013)
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