Journal Article (2370)

Journal Article
Glick Schiller, N.: Desenmascarando la migración y el desarrollo. Un enfoque basado en los estudios sobre desposesión y desplazamiento. Migración y Desarrollo 20 (38), pp. 71 - 93 (2022)
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Hann, C.: Economy and ethics in the cosmic process. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 28 (1), pp. 5 - 29 (2022)
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Hanschel, D.; Schultze, M.: Menschenrechtliche Aspekte des Klimaschutzes. Klima und Recht 6, pp. 166 - 170 (2022)
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Harms, A.: Beyond dystopia: regenerative cultures and ethics among european climate activists. American Anthropologist 124 (3), pp. 515 - 524 (2022)
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Hunkler, C.; Scharrer, T.; Suerbaum, M.; Yanasmayan, Z.: Spatial and social im/mobility in forced migration: revisiting class. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 48 (20), pp. 4829 - 4846 (2022)
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Jonutyte, K.: The post-Soviet city as a communal apartment: spatialized belonging in Ulan-Ude. Nationalities Papers 50 (5), pp. 1022 - 1036 (2022)
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Kaneff, D.: Extending the reach of 'post-socialism': a commentary. Critique of Anthropology 42 (2), pp. 209 - 218 (2022)
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Lambert, L.: Zwischen Abenteuer, Risiko und Überleben. Westafrikanische Perspektiven auf Migration. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 42, pp. 28 - 33 (2022)
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Lems, A.: Deciphering everyday meaning-making with Gramsci. Dialectical Anthropology 46, pp. 395 - 415 (2022)
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Lipatova, M.: Waiting for what? Hope and endurance in situations of uncertainty for asylum-seekers in Greece. European Journal of Social Work 25 (6), pp. 1093 - 1103 (2022)
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Mikuš, M.: 'New' but 'squeezed': middle class and mortgaged homeownership in Croatia. Critique of Anthropology 42 (4), pp. 439 - 456 (2022)
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Mikuš, M.: Layered crises and rhythms of household debt and the COVID-19 pandemic in Eastern Europe. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie/Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology 147 (1), pp. 131 - 135 (2022)
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Mroczkowska, J.: Trapped in the grey zones: voicing discontent and strategies of resistance in rural Poland. Ethnologia Polona 43, pp. 63 - 79 (2022)
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Nicolaisen, F.; Le, M.: Tensions in local-global production of tourist spaces in Vietnam: heritage, global flows, and local identities. Asien 162/163, pp. 34 - 57 (2022)
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Nicolaisen, F.; Le, M.; Fox, M.: Between memories and taboos: the formation of alternative Vietnamese and Myanmarese spaces of citizenship and belonging. Asien 164/165, pp. 117 - 139 (2022)
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Osella, S.: Reinforcing the binary and disciplining the subject: the constitutional right to gender recognition in the Italian case law. International Journal of Constitutional Law 20 (1), pp. 454 - 475 (2022)
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Palumbo, L.: Exploitation in the agri-food sector in Europe. European Journal of Migration and Law 24 (2), pp. 287 - 312 (2022)
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Purkey, A.: Locating the concept of vulnerability in Canada's refugee policies at home and abroad. Laws 11 (2), 20 (2022)
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Ramstedt, M.: Religious proselytization of indigenous peoples. Quaderni di diritto e politica ecclesiastica 2, pp. 389 - 411 (2022)
Journal Article
Rayner, J.: Autonomía, centralidad y persistencia: comunas, movimiento indígena y el derecho a la ciudad en Quito. Mundos Plurales 9 (1), pp. 27 - 56 (2022)
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