Journal Article (1597)

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Kılıç, A.; Göçmen, İ.: Fate, Morals and Rational Calculations: Freezing Eggs for Non-Medical Reasons in Turkey. Social Science & Medicine 203, pp. 19 - 27 (2018)
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Koddenbrock, K.: Strukturwandel der Globalisierung? Brexit, Trump(ismus), Strategien Chinas und die politische Ökonomie der internationalen Beziehungen. Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 25 (2), pp. 126 - 143 (2018)
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Kohl, S.: More Mortgages, More Homes? The Effect of Housing Financialization on Homeownership in Historical Perspective. Politics & Society 46 (2), pp. 177 - 203 (2018)
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Kohl, S.: Why Housing Studies Still Lacks Social Theory and What to Do about It. Housing, Theory and Society 35 (2), pp. 231 - 234 (2018)
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Kopper, M.: Infraestruturas porosas: Vivendo através do consumo no programa Minha Casa Minha Vida. Política & Trabalho (48), pp. 57 - 74 (2018)
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Kopper, M.; Damo, A. S.: A emergência e evanescência da nova classe média brasileira. Horizontes Antropológicos 24 (50), pp. 335 - 376 (2018)
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Korom, P.: Inherited Advantage: Comparing Households that Receive Gifts and Bequests with Non-Receiving Households across the Distribution of Household Wealth in 11 European Countries. European Sociological Review 34 (1), pp. 79 - 91 (2018)
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Seeliger, M.: Why Do (Some) European Trade Unions Reject Minimum Wage Regulation? Culture, Practice & Europeanization 3 (1), pp. 37 - 46 (2018)
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Seeliger, M.: Ambivalences of the Countermovement: A Proposal on How to Study International Trade Unionism. Transnational Social Review 8 (2), pp. 203 - 217 (2018)
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Seeliger, M.: Why Do Trade Unions Engage in Wage Coordination, Although it Does Not Work? Evidence from the German Metal Sector. Global Labour Journal 9 (3), pp. 303 - 318 (2018)
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