Journal Article (1597)

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Elsässer, L.; Rademacher, I.; Schäfer, A.: Cracks in the Foundation: Retrenchment in Advanced Welfare States. Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter 16 (3), pp. 4 - 16 (2015)
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Finez, J.; Perennes, P.: La tarification "Grandes Lignes" de la SNCF: Entre service public et logique de rentabilité. Revue générale des chemins de fer (251), pp. 6 - 21 (2015)
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Fourcade, M.; Ollion, E.; Algan, Y.: The Superiority of Economists. Journal of Economic Perspectives 29 (1), pp. 89 - 114 (2015)
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Godechot, O.: Variétés de financiarisation et accroissement des inégalités. Revue Française de Socio-Économie (2), pp. 51 - 72 (2015)
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Godechot, O.; Senik, C.: Wage Comparisons In and Out of the Firm: Evidence from a Matched Employer–Employee French Database. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (117), pp. 395 - 410 (2015)
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González, F.: Where Are the Consumers? "Real Households" and the Financialization of Consumption. Cultural Studies 29 (5-6), pp. 781 - 806 (2015)
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Haffert, L.; Mehrtens, P.: From Austerity to Expansion? Consolidation, Budget Surpluses, and the Decline of Fiscal Capacity. Politics and Society 43 (1), pp. 119 - 148 (2015)
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Harrington, B.: Going Global: Professionals and the Micro-foundations of Institutional Change. Journal of Professions and Organization 2 (2), pp. 103 - 121 (2015)
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Höpner, M.: Der integrationistische Fehlschluss. Leviathan 43 (1), pp. 29 - 42 (2015)
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Höpner, M.: Europa neu begründen: Weder Austerität noch Abwertung? Wirtschaftsdienst 95 (4), pp. 239 - 242 (2015)
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Hübschle, A.: Economic Sociology and Opportunities for Organized Crime Research. Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter 16 (3), pp. 38 - 41 (2015)
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Kim, D.: Not Taxation, but Saving: Linking Welfare and Capitalism in Japan. Korean Journal of Sociology 49 (3), pp. 121 - 145 (2015)
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Kohl, S.: The Power of Institutional Legacies: How Nineteenth Century Housing Associations Shaped Twentieth Century Housing Regime Differences between Germany and the United States. European Journal of Sociology 56 (2), pp. 271 - 306 (2015)
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Koumakhov, R.; Daoud, A.: Routines, Bounded Rationality and Reflexivity: Where Simon Meets Critical Realists. Academy of Management Proceedings (1), 13425 (2015)
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Lutter, M.: Do Women Suffer from Network Closure? The Moderating Effect of Social Capital on Gender Inequality in a Project-based Labor Market, 1929 to 2010. American Sociological Review 80 (2), pp. 329 - 358 (2015)
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Mayntz, R.: Uwe Schimanks theoretisches Modell der modernen Gesellschaft: Realtypus oder Idealtypus? Zeitschrift für Theoretische Soziologie 4 (2), pp. 269 - 274 (2015)
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Münnich, S.: Thieves, Fools, Fraudsters, and Gamblers? The Ambivalence of Moral Criticism in the Credit Crunch of 2008. European Journal of Sociology 56 (1), pp. 93 - 118 (2015)
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Naulin, S.: Pourquoi partager sa passion de la cuisine sur Internet? Revue de la Bibliothèque nationale de France (49), pp. 38 - 43 (2015)
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Naulin, S.: Se faire un nom: Les ressorts de la singularisation des critiques gastronomiques. Sociologie du Travail 57 (3), pp. 322 - 343 (2015)
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Naulin, S.: Les médias et la constitution d’un "monde de la gastronomie" (1870-1940). Le Temps des Médias (1), pp. 26 - 43 (2015)
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