Journal Article (1597)

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Naulin, S.: Les loisirs culinaires occupent le terrain médiatique. Espaces: tourisme & loisirs (320), pp. 114 - 117 (2014)
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Paster, T.: Why Did Austrian Business Oppose Welfare Cuts? How the Organization of Interests Shapes Business Attitudes Toward Social Partnership. Comparative Political Studies 47 (7), pp. 966 - 992 (2014)
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Sabrow, S.; Mader, P.: Armutsbekämpfung als Mythos und Zeremonie? Ursachen und Logiken eines Strategiewechsels in der Mikrofinanz. Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik 7 (2), pp. 175 - 198 (2014)
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Sauermann, J.; Glassmann, U.: Restraining Free-Riders: The Effects of Actor Types and Decision Rules in the Public Goods Game. Rationality and Society 26 (3), pp. 290 - 319 (2014)
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Scharpf, F. W.: Legitimierung, oder das demokratische Dilemma der Euro-Rettungspolitik. Wirtschaftsdienst 94 (Sonderheft), pp. 35 - 41 (2014)
Journal Article
Scharpf, F. W.: Geen uitweg uit de Europese valstrik van de euroredding? Beleid en Maatschappij 41 (3), 4 (2014)
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Seikel, D.: How the European Commission Deepened Financial Market Integration: The Battle over the Liberalization of Public Banks in Germany. Journal of European Public Policy 21 (2), pp. 169 - 187 (2014)
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Streeck, W.: How Will Capitalism End? New Left Review (87), pp. 35 - 64 (2014)
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Streeck, W.: Politische Ökonomie als Soziologie: Kann das gutgehen? Zeitschrift für theoretische Soziologie 3 (1), pp. 147 - 166 (2014)
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Streeck, W.: Aus der Krise nach "Europa"? Vergangenheit und Zukunft in Geschichte und politischer Ökonomie. Journal of Modern European History 12 (3), pp. 299 - 316 (2014)
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Streeck, W.: Taking Crisis Seriously: Capitalism on Its Way Out. Stato e Mercato (1), pp. 45 - 67 (2014)
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Streeck, W.: Small-State Nostalgia? The Currency Union, Germany, and Europe: A Reply to Jürgen Habermas. Constellations 21 (2), pp. 213 - 221 (2014)
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Streeck, W.: Como vai acabar o capitalismo? O epílogo de um sistema em desmantelo crônico. Piauí 97 (outubro) (2014)
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Streeck, W.: The Politics of Public Debt: Neoliberalism, Capitalist Development and the Restructuring of the State. German Economic Review 15 (1), pp. 143 - 165 (2014)
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Woll, C.: Bank Rescue Schemes in Continental Europe: The Power of Collective Inaction. Government and Opposition 49 (3), pp. 426 - 451 (2014)
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Woll, C.: Politics in the Interest of Capital: A Not-So-Organized Combat. EU Political Economy Bulletin 18 (Winter), pp. 27 - 30 (2014)
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Zamith, P.; The Members of the PEPS-Economie Students' Association: The Case for Pluralism: What French Undergraduate Economics Teaching Is All About and How it Can Be Improved. International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education 5 (4), pp. 385 - 400 (2014)
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Afonso, A.; Papadopoulos, Y.: Europeanization or Party Politics? Explaining Government Choice for Corporatist Concertation. Governance 26 (1), pp. 5 - 29 (2013)
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Aspers, P.; Kohl, S.: Heidegger and Socio-ontology: A Sociological Reading. Journal of Classical Sociology 13 (4), pp. 487 - 508 (2013)
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