Journal Article (1597)

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Kahancová, M.: Making the Invisible Hand Visible: Evaluating the Social-Constructivist Perspective on FDI in Postsocialist Europe (Review Symposium on Nina Bandelj: From Communists to Foreign Capitalists: The Social Foundations of Foreign Direct Investment in Postsocialist Europe. Princeton and Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2008). Socio-Economic Review 7 (2), pp. 358 - 362 (2009)
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Mantescu, L.; Vasile, M.: Property Reforms in Rural Romania and Community-Based Forests. Romanian Sociology 7 (2), pp. 95 - 113 (2009)
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Maseland, R.; van Hoorn, A.: Explaining the Negative Correlation between Values and Practices: A Note on the Hofstede–GLOBE Debate. Journal of International Business Studies 40 (3), pp. 527 - 532 (2009)
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Schäfer, A.: Krisentheorien der Demokratie: Unregierbarkeit, Spätkapitalismus und Postdemokratie. Der moderne Staat 2 (1), pp. 159 - 183 (2009)
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Schäfer, A.; Leiber, S.: The Double Voluntarism in EU Social Dialogue and Employment Policy. What We Have Learnt: Advances, Pitfalls and Remaining Questions in OMC. European Integration Online Papers, special issue 1 (13), 9, pp. 1 - 19 (2009)
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Scharpf, F. W.: Legitimität im europäischen Mehrebenensystem. Leviathan 37 (2), pp. 244 - 280 (2009)
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Scharpf, F. W.: Legitimacy in the Multilevel European Polity. European Political Science Review 1 (2), pp. 173 - 204 (2009)
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