Journal Article (1597)

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Goerres, A.: Reforming the Welfare State in Times of Grey Majorities: The Myth of an Opposition between Younger and Older Voters in Germany. German Policy Studies 4 (2), pp. 131 - 156 (2008)
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Gourevitch, P. A.; Keohane, R. O.; Krasner, S. D.; Laitin, D.; Pempel, T. J.; Streeck, W.; Tarrow, S.: The Political Science of Peter J. Katzenstein. Ps: Political Science & Politics 41 (4), pp. 893 - 899 (2008)
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Herrmann, A. M.: Contrasting the Resource-Based View and Competitiveness Theories: How Pharmaceutical Firms Choose to Compete in Germany, Italy and the UK. Strategic Organization 6 (4), pp. 343 - 374 (2008)
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Herrmann, A. M.: Rethinking the Link between Labour Market Flexibility and Corporate Competitiveness: A Critique of the Institutionalist Literature. Socio-Economic Review 6 (4), pp. 637 - 669 (2008)
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Rehder, B.: Revitalisierung der Gewerkschaften? Die Grundlagen amerikanischer Organisierungserfolge und ihre Übertragbarkeit auf deutsche Verhältnisse. Berliner Journal für Soziologie 18 (3), pp. 432 - 456 (2008)
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Scharpf, F. W.: Community, Diversity and Autonomy: The Challenges of Reforming German Federalism. German Politics 17 (4), pp. 509 - 521 (2008)
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Schröder, M. G.: Integrating Welfare and Production Typologies: How Refinements of the Varieties of Capitalism Approach Call for a Combination of Welfare Typologies. Journal of Social Policy 38 (1), pp. 19 - 43 (2008)
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