Journal Article (1597)

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Holtgrewe, U.; Werle, R.: De-Commodifying Software? Open Source Software between Business Strategy and Social Movement. Science Studies 14 (2), pp. 43 - 65 (2001)
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Kittel, B.; Traxler, F.: Lohnverhandlungssysteme und wirtschaftliche Leistungseffekte im internationalen Vergleich: Teil II: Die Rekonzeptualisierung des Problems und die Effekte lohnpolitischer Koordinierung. Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter 48 (1), pp. 1 - 6 (2001)
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Mayntz, R.: El Estado y la sociedad civil en la gobernanza moderna. Reforma y Democracia (21), pp. 7 - 22 (2001)
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Scharpf, F. W.: Notes Toward a Theory of Multilevel Governing in Europe. Scandinavian Political Studies 24 (1), pp. 1 - 26 (2001)
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Werle, R.: Institutional Aspects of Standardization: Jurisdictional Conflicts and the Choice of Standardization Organizations. Journal of European Public Policy 8 (3), pp. 392 - 410 (2001)
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Werle, R.: Standards and Standards Organizations in the International Free Trade Regime. Knowledge, Technology & Policy 14 (3), pp. 127 - 140 (2001)
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Crouch, C.: The Snakes and Ladders of Twenty-First-Century Trade Unionism. Oxford Review of Economic Policy 16 (1), pp. 70 - 83 (2000)
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