Journal Article (1597)

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Scharpf, F. W.: Democratic Policy in Europe. European Law Journal 2 (2), pp. 136 - 155 (1996)
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Schmidt, S. K.: Sterile Debates and Dubious Generalisations: European Integration Theory Tested by Telecommunications and Electricity. Journal of Public Policy 16 (3), pp. 233 - 271 (1996)
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Balázs, K.; Faulkner, W.; Schimank, U.: Transformation of the Research Systems of Post-Communist Central and Eastern Europe: An Introduction. Social Studies of Science 25 (4), pp. 613 - 632 (1995)
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Balázs, K.; Faulkner, W.; Schimank, U.: Science and Technology Studies and Policy in Central and Eastern Europe: What Next? Social Studies of Science 25 (4), pp. 873 - 883 (1995)
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Scharpf, F. W.: Europa nach Maastricht: Markt ohne Demokratie? Wirtschaftsdienst 75 (2), pp. 85 - 93 (1995)
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Scharpf, F. W.: Federal Arrangements and Multi-Party Systems. Australian Journal of Political Science 30 (Special Issue), pp. 27 - 39 (1995)
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Scharpf, F. W.: Demokratische Politik in Europa. Staatswissenschaften und Staatspraxis 6 (4), pp. 565 - 592 (1995)
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Scharpf, F. W.: Subventionierte Niedriglohn-Beschäftigung statt bezahlter Arbeitslosigkeit? Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 41 (2), pp. 65 - 82 (1995)
Journal Article
Schimank, U.: Haben Professoren weniger Zeit für die Forschung? Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung in Deutschland. Forschung & Lehre (12), pp. 687 - 688 (1995)
Journal Article
Schimank, U.: Transformation of Research Systems in Central and Eastern Europe: A Coincidence of Opportunities and Trouble. Social Studies of Science 25 (4), pp. 633 - 653 (1995)
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