Thesis - Master (72)

Thesis - Master
Georgi, J.: Einfluss der extrazellulären Matrix auf die Wasserdiffusion im Gehirn. Master, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle/Saale (2016)
Thesis - Master
Grahl, S.: Exploring grey matter changes during sensorimotor training: A longitudinal study. Master, Department of Experimental Psychiatry, University Clinic Dresden (2016)
Thesis - Master
Gumbert, M.: The role of delta-band oscillations in language comprehension: An EEG study. Master, University of Trento (2016)
Thesis - Master
Kohler, N.: It's all about the timing: Investigating the temporal nature of interaction between melodic pitch and linguistic prosodic expectancy. Master, Goldsmiths University, London (2016)
Thesis - Master
Kruse, J.: Neural characteristics of rhythmic movements - An EEG study. Master, TU Dresden (2016)
Thesis - Master
Avetisyan, S.: The impact of focus operators on the processing of long-distance dependencies: Evidence from Eastern Armenian. Master, University of Potsdam, Potsdam (2015)
Thesis - Master
Stachura, A.: Online Regeln lernen: Eine EEG-Studie mit 3-jährigen Kindern. Master, University of Leipzig (2015)
Thesis - Master
Kalloch, B.: Simulation transkranieller Gleichstromstimulation mit OpenFOAM. Master, University of Leipzig (2015)
Thesis - Master
Köhn, H.: Regelhafter Erstspracherwerb. Master, University of Leipzig (2014)
Thesis - Master
Lenich, T.: Development of a method for lactate imaging based on CEST/NOE. Master, Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences, University of Leipzig, Germany (2014)
Thesis - Master
Acar, S.: The neurogenetic basis of the dual-route theory of reading: Evidence from developmental dyslexia. Master, University of Potsdam, Potsdam (2014)
Thesis - Master
Vassileiou, B.: Fractional anisotropy of the arcuate/superior longitudinal fasciculus predicts verbal working memory span. Master, University of Potsdam, Potsdam (2014)
Thesis - Master
Paul, M.: Verarbeitung von Intonationsphrasen im Alter von 36 Monaten: Tonhöhe als akustischer Parameter zur Grenzmarkierung. Master, Goethe University Frankfurt a. M. (2014)
Thesis - Master
Huntenburg, J. M.: Evaluating nonlinear coregistration of BOLD EPI and T1w images. Master, Freie Universität, Berlin (2014)
Thesis - Master
Oligschläger, S.: Differentiating brain organization underlying components of cognitive control: An investigation of individual differences using intrinsic functional connectivity. Master, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University (2014)
Thesis - Master
Borowiak, K.: Neural processing of vocal sounds in autism spectrum disorders. Master, Free University Berlin, Germany (2013)
Thesis - Master
Ruisinger, A.: Structural connectivity between auditory thalamus and primary auditory cortex in developmental dyslexia. Master, University of Potsdam (2013)
Thesis - Master
Schröder, M.: Effekte eines auditiven Hörtrainings auf sprachliche Fähigkeiten bei dyslektischen und normallesenden Erwachsenen. Master, Martin Luther Universität Halle (2013)
Thesis - Master
Haueis, P.: Vagueness and neuroanatomy: Philosophy of scientific and practice and the fuzzy boundaries between cortical areas. Master, Humboldt University, Berlin (2012)
Thesis - Master
Huber, L.: Magnetic resonance imaging method for measuring functional cerebral blood volume changes at 7 Tesla. Master, 133 pp. (2011)
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