Book Chapter (857)

Book Chapter
Melli, L.: Andrea del Verrocchio: Study of a curly-haired youth's head (recto) / Leonardo da Vinci: Study of a child's head (verso) (cat. no. 35). In: Verrocchio. Scupltor and painter of Renaissance Florence, pp. 243 - 246 (Ed. Butterfield, A.). National Gallery of Art, Washington, Washington (2019)
Book Chapter
Melli, L.: Attributed to Andrea del Verrocchio: Child in bust lenght, three-quarter view (cat. no. 37). In: Verrocchio. Scupltor and painter of Renaissance Florence, pp. 250 - 253 (Ed. Butterfield, A.). National Gallery of Art, Washington, Washington (2019)
Book Chapter
Melli, L.: Head of a woman with braided hair (recto) / Head of a woman leaning on her right hand (verso) (cat. no. 38). In: Verrocchio. Scupltor and painter of Renaissance Florence, pp. 254 - 259 (Ed. Butterfield, A.). National Gallery of Art, Washington, Washington (2019)
Book Chapter
Melli, L.: Andrea del Verrocchio and assistants: Sheet of a sketchbook with Saint Donatus (for the Pistoia altarpiece) and various heads (recto) / A male head, various figures and inscriptions (verso) (cat. no. 39). In: Verrocchio. Scupltor and painter of Renaissance Florence, pp. 260 - 265 (Ed. Butterfield, A.). National Gallery of Art, Washington, Washington (2019)
Book Chapter
Melli, L.: Study of seated Madonna and Child (cat. no. 40). In: Verrocchio. Scupltor and painter of Renaissance Florence, pp. 266 - 268 (Ed. Butterfield, A.). National Gallery of Art, Washington, Washington (2019)
Book Chapter
Melli, L.: Andrea del Verrocchio or possibly Leonardo da Vinci: Study of seated Madonna and Child (cat. no. 41). In: Verrocchio. Scupltor and painter of Renaissance Florence, pp. 269 - 271 (Ed. Butterfield, A.). National Gallery of Art, Washington, Washington (2019)
Book Chapter
Melli, L.: Attributed to Andrea del Verrocchio and assistant: Project for a funerary monument (Tartagni tomb) (cat. no. 44). In: Verrocchio. Scupltor and painter of Renaissance Florence, pp. 280 - 283 (Ed. Butterfield, A.). National Gallery of Art, Washington, Washington (2019)
Book Chapter
Melli, L.: A grotesque dancer (cat. no. 45). In: Verrocchio. Scupltor and painter of Renaissance Florence, pp. 284 - 287 (Ed. Butterfield, A.). National Gallery of Art, Washington, Washington (2019)
Book Chapter
Melli, L.: Three nude old men drinking (cat. no. 46). In: Verrocchio. Scupltor and painter of Renaissance Florence, pp. 288 - 291 (Ed. Butterfield, A.). National Gallery of Art, Washington, Washington (2019)
Book Chapter
Melli, L.: Attributed to Andrea del Verrocchio: Figure study of a male nude (cat. no. 47). In: Verrocchio. Scupltor and painter of Renaissance Florence, pp. 292 - 294 (Ed. Butterfield, A.). National Gallery of Art, Washington, Washington (2019)
Book Chapter
Melli, L.: Attributed to Andrea del Verrocchio: Figure study of a male nude with raised left arm (cat. no. 48). In: Verrocchio. Scupltor and painter of Renaissance Florence, pp. 295 - 297 (Ed. Butterfield, A.). National Gallery of Art, Washington, Washington (2019)
Book Chapter
Melli, L.: A walking horse in profile facing right (recto) / Measured drawing of a horse in rear and frontal view, and its leg (verso) (cat. no. 50). In: Verrocchio. Scupltor and painter of Renaissance Florence, pp. 301 - 304 (Ed. Butterfield, A.). National Gallery of Art, Washington, Washington (2019)
Book Chapter
Melli, L.: Measured drawing of a horse facing left (cat. no. 51). In: Verrocchio. Scupltor and painter of Renaissance Florence, pp. 305 - 307 (Ed. Butterfield, A.). National Gallery of Art, Washington, Washington (2019)
Book Chapter
Melli, L.; Hernandez, M.: Cartoon for the head of an angel (cat. no. 36). In: Verrocchio. Scupltor and painter of Renaissance Florence, pp. 247 - 249 (Ed. Butterfield, A.). National Gallery of Art, Washington, Washington (2019)
Book Chapter
Palozzi, L.: Contextualizing English Alabasters in the Material Culture of the Medieval Mediterranean. In: English Alabaster Sculptures in their Cultural Contexts (Boydell Studies in Medieval Art and Architecture), pp. 71 - 92 (Ed. Murat, Z.). Boydell & Brewer, Suffolk (2019)
Book Chapter
Policicchio, G.; Mucciante, F.; Stillitano, M.: La mostra della pittura italiana del Seicento e del Settecento: rilettura e riscoperta di uno stile: il Barocco. In: Mostre a Firenze 1911-1942: nuove indagini per un itinerario tra arte e cultura (Microstorie d’arte ; 6), pp. 41 - 56 (Ed. Giometti , C.). Edizioni ETS, Pisa (2019)
Book Chapter
Savkic, S.: Introducción. Manifestaciones y prácticas visuales amerindias. In: Culturas visuales indígenas y las prácticas estéticas en las Américas desde la antigüedad hasta el presente = Indigenous visual cultures and aesthetic practices in the America's past and present (Estudios Indiana ; 13), pp. 7 - 27 (Eds. Savkic, S.; Baader, H.). Gebr. Mann Verlag, Berlin (2019)
Book Chapter
Savkic, S.: Introduction. Amerindian Visual Manifestations and Practices. In: Culturas visuales indígenas y las prácticas estéticas en las Américas desde la antigüedad hasta el presente = Indigenous visual cultures and aesthetic practices in the America's past and present (Estudios Indiana ; 13), pp. 29 - 48 (Eds. Savkic, S.; Baader, H.). Gebr. Mann Verlag, Berlin (2019)
Book Chapter
Savkic, S.: The Appropriation of Space and Time through the Built Environment: The Case of the Las Pinturas Group at San Bartolo, Guatemala. In: Signs of Place: A Visual Interpretation of Landscape (Berlin Studies of the Ancient World ; 69), pp. 185 - 199 (Eds. Döhl, R.; Rensburg, J. J. v.). Edition Topoi, Berlin (2019)
Book Chapter
Seidel, M.; Calamai, S.: Prospettive. In: Antony Gormley – Essere. Catalogo della mostra, Gallerie degli Uffizi, Aula Magliabechiana, 26.02.2019-26.05.2019, pp. 104 - 157 (Eds. Seidel, M.; Schmidt, E.). Giunti, Firenze ; Milano (2019)
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