Thesis - Diploma (62)

Thesis - Diploma
Basen, M.: Archaeal and bacterial populations in the Skagerrak seep. Diploma, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2005)
Thesis - Diploma
da Purificação, R.: Diatoms and green algae in an intertidal area: seasonal and areal distribution and response to sulfide. Diploma, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2005)
Thesis - Diploma
Duarte, J.: Processes related to geo-biosphere interactions in marine sediments of the Gulf of Cadiz. Diploma, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2005)
Thesis - Diploma
Dunker, R.: Microsensor studies on a Beggiatoa mat under changing oxygen concentrations. Diploma, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2005)
Thesis - Diploma
Felden, J.: Tracing changes in the community structure in sediments of the Haakon Mosby Mud Volcano (HMMV) by molecular and biogeochemical methods. Diploma, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2005)
Thesis - Diploma
Hube, A. E.: Untersuchungen zur Zusammensetzung der Bakteriengemeinschaft auf der antarktischen Eisdiatomee Amphiprora kufferathiiMANGUIN. Diploma, University Bremen, Bremen (2005)
Thesis - Diploma
Känel, L.: Characterization and isolation of key enzymes from anaerobically methane-oxidizing mats. Diploma, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2005)
Thesis - Diploma
Kohls, K.: Molecular characterization of bacterial communities in microbial mats from an extreme environment. Diploma, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2005)
Thesis - Diploma
Kottmann, R.: Data Acquisition, Design and Implementation of an Integrative Database for Metagenomics. Diploma, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2005)
Thesis - Diploma
Naumann, M.: The role of coral mucus in scavenging picoplankton as a food source for benthic passive suspension feeders. Diploma, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2005)
Thesis - Diploma
Neogi, S. B.: Occurrence, survival and diversity of vibrios along a gradient of brackish to freshwater in Karnaphuli river estuary, Bangladesh. Diploma, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2005)
Thesis - Diploma
Rotaru, A.: Genomic analysis of the endosymbiotic communities of a gutless marine worm (Olavius algarvensis). Diploma, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2005)
Thesis - Diploma
Schauer, R.: Molekulare Charakterisierung der Sedimentmikroorganismen der drei abyssalen Becken, Kapbecken, Angolabecken und Guineabecken, des Südatlantiks. Diploma, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2005)
Thesis - Diploma
Serrano, W.: Characterization of a purple sulfur bacterium, strain SW26 isolated from Sylt (Wadden Sea). Diploma, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2005)
Thesis - Diploma
Shovitri, M.: Biogeochemistry and molecular ecology of sandy sediment from a North Sea gas seep. Diploma, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2005)
Thesis - Diploma
Basen, M.: Physiologische und molekularbiologische Charakterisierung der anaeroben Oxidation von Methan an einem mesophilen Flachwasserstandort. Diploma, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz (2004)
Thesis - Diploma
Gärdes, A.: Deletionsmutagenese eines Magnetosomenproteins in Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense unter Etablierung des Cre-loxP-Systems. Diploma, Fachhochschule Emden, Emden (2004)
Thesis - Diploma
Heil, J.: Nucleic acid based identification of bacterioplankton diversity: A study in the upwelling waters of Namibia. Diploma, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2004)
Thesis - Diploma
Heinrich, F.: Anreicherung und Charakterisierung methanotropher und methylotropher Mikroorganismen aus Schlammvulkanen. Diploma, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2004)
Thesis - Diploma
Peters, L.: Zur Biogeochemie eines Sedimentkernes aus dem Mischwatt der südlichen Nordsee. Diploma, Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg (2004)
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