Thesis - Master (103)

Thesis - Master
Salonen, I.: The Diversity of Microorganisms in Fecal Pellets of Salpa Cylindrica Compared with Associated Water Samples from the East-Atlantic Ocean. Master, University of Helsinki, Finland (2014)
Thesis - Master
Meier, G.: Molekulare Charakterisierung von gelöstem organischem Material (DOM) aus Qualleninkubationen und bakterieller Abbau des Quallenexsudats. Master, University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg / Germany (2013)
Thesis - Master
Panzer, K.: A complete view on the aquatic-derived fungal phylogeny and ecology: The impact of 18S rRNA sequence information and contextual data from public databases and a fungal culture collection. Master, University of Bremen, Bremen / Germany (2013)
Thesis - Master
Schüler, L. M.: Detection Methods and Environmental Abundance of Intron-Containing Bacterial SSU. Master, University of Hannover, Hannover / Germany (2013)
Thesis - Master
Pohlabeln, A. M.: Dissolved organic sulfur in the ocean – A mass spectrometric (FT-ICR-MS) investigation. Master, University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg / Germany (2013)
Thesis - Master
Buchmann, B.: Oxygenic Photosynthesis in Cyanobacteria as a Protection Mechanism against Iron Precipitation. Master, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg / Germany (2013)
Thesis - Master
Vavourakis, C.: Tetrathionate turnover in marine sandy sediment. Master, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam / Netherlands (2013)
Thesis - Master
Adeboyejo, F. M.: Nitrification process in the Dead Sea and its underwater springs; reality or mirage? Master, University of Bremen, Bremen / Germany (2013)
Thesis - Master
Knappe, J.: The pelagic diatom Thalassiosira weiss ogii is capable of dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA). Master, Linköping University, Sweden (2013)
Thesis - Master
Ribicic, D.: Diversity of microorganisms in ballast water contaminated with diesel fuel. Master, University Gent, Flandern / Belgien (2013)
Thesis - Master
Papadatou, M.: Bacterial diversity associated with anthropogenic particles and neuston in the surface layer of the East Atlantic Ocean. Master, University Gent, Flandern / Belgien (2013)
Thesis - Master
Kappelmann, L.: (Meta-)genomic Analysis of the Diversity and the Carbohydrate Degradation Potential of the SAR92 Clade during a Diatom-induced Bacterioplankton Bloom. Master, University of Bremen, Bremen / Germany (2013)
Thesis - Master
Probandt, D.: Enrichment of abundant sulfate reducers from tidal sediments. Master, University of Bremen, Bremen / Germany (2013)
Thesis - Master
Angelov, B.: Mud Volcanoes: A Window to the Deep Biosphere. Investigating succession and functional shifts in marine deep subsurface microbial communities exposed to mud volcanism. Master, University of Bremen, Bremen / Germany (2013)
Thesis - Master
Berg, J.: Single-cell analysis of sulfur compounds in living bacteria by Raman spectroscopy. Master, University of Bremen, Bremen / Germany (2013)
Thesis - Master
Kwee Boon Seah, B.: Bacterial Ectosymbionts of the Ciliate Kentrophoros. Master, University of Bremen, Bremen / Germany (2013)
Thesis - Master
Martinez Perez, C.: Microbial control in P particle formation. Master, University of Bremen, Bremen / Germany (2013)
Thesis - Master
Noriega Ortega, B.: Biogeochemistry of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) in the Dead Sea and its fresh water springs. Master, University of Bremen, Bremen / Germany (2013)
Thesis - Master
Piepgras, L.: The fate of ammonium in anaerobic oxidation of methane. Master, University of Bremen, Bremen / Germany (2013)
Thesis - Master
Reintjes, G.: Picoplankton Community Analysis along the Atlantic Meridional Transect AMT22. Master, University of Bremen, Bremen / Germany (2013)
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