Thesis - Master (103)

Thesis - Master
Moraru, G.: Building a Scalable High-Throughput Pipeline for Processing Next-Generation Sequencing Data. Master, University of Liverpool, Liverpool (2010)
Thesis - Master
Hahnke, R.: Untersuchungen zur Struktur und Funktion mikrobieller Populationen des südpazifischen Sediments. Master, Fachhochschule Gelsenkirchen, Recklinghausen (2009)
Thesis - Master
Jacob, M.: Development and validation of community fingerprinting tools to analyze microbial diversity in marine sediments. Master, University of Bremen, Bremen (2009)
Thesis - Master
Marchant, H.: The Effects of Ocean Acidification on Nitrogen Cycling in Permeable Coastal Sediments. Master, University of Bremen, Bremen (2009)
Thesis - Master
Klatt, J.M.: Role of Light in Oxygen and Carbon Cycling by Anoxygenic Phototrophs in Microbial Mats. Master, University of Bremen, Bremen (2009)
Thesis - Master
Sheik, A. R.: The effect of viruses on prokaryotic and eukaryotic nutrient assimilation. Master, University of Bremen, Bremen (2009)
Thesis - Master
Yilmaz, P.: Application of statistical methods for the analysis of geo-referenced sequence data in their environmental context. Master, University of Bremen, Bremen (2009)
Thesis - Master
Carstensen, R.: Photophysiological responses of the calcifying, green macroalga Halimeda opuntia to shifting pH regimes. Master, University of Bremen, Bremen (2009)
Thesis - Master
Thiele, S.: Changes in the bacterial community during the iron fertilization experiment LOHAFEX. Master, University of Osnabrück, Osnabrück (2009)
Thesis - Master
Puschell, A.: Enumeration and cultivation of microorganisms from oligotrophic marine sediments of the South Pacific gyre. Master, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2007)
Thesis - Master
Sawicka, J. E.: Freeze-thaw effects on sulfate reduction rates and microbial community dynamics in Arctic sediments. Master, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2007)
Thesis - Master
Raggi, L.: Molecular studies of two different bacterial symbioses in invertebrates: diversity and biogeography. Master, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2007)
Thesis - Master
Al-Najjar, M.: An approach to measure flow of energy in benthic photosynthetic microbial mats, tested on an artificial film of Diatoms. Master, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2007)
Thesis - Master
Duhaime, M. B.: Marine Virus Population Dynamics and Genomics: Lessons from the North Atlantic and North Sea. Master, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2007)
Thesis - Master
Meziti, A.: Diversity and detection of archaea in deep-sea sediments. Master, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2007)
Thesis - Master
Schöttner, S. I.: Microbial habitats in cold-water coral reef ecosystems: Exploring diversity, structure and dynamics of associated prokaryotic communities. Master, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2007)
Thesis - Master
Schreiber, L.: Development of a novel screening method for low abundance genes in large metagenomic libraries. Master, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2007)
Thesis - Master
Gomez, P.: Diversity and ecological role of marine planktonic Cytophaga/Flavobacteria-like bacteria. Master, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2007)
Thesis - Master
Kostadinov, I.: Detection of group specific genes in the phyla Planctomycetes and Bacteroidetes – from comparative genomics to metagenomics. Master, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2007)
Thesis - Master
Wietz, M.: Microbial communities of larval rearing systems and wild phyllosoma of the ornate rock lobster, Panulirus ornatus, and options for microbial management in aquaculture. Master, Universität Bremen, Bremen (2007)
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