Journal Article (6122)

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Akhmedov, A.; Park, B. D.; Sakallı, S.: Exotic smooth structures on connected sums of S2×S2. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 74 (2), pp. 799 - 809 (2023)
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Allen, P. B.; Calegari, F.; Caraiani, A.; Gee, T.; Helm, D.; Hung, B. V. L.; Newton, J.; Scholze, P.; Taylor, R.; Thorne, J. A.: Potential automorphy over CM fields. Annals of Mathematics 197 (3), pp. 897 - 1113 (2023)
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Allred, W.; Aragón, M.; Dooley, Z.; Goldman, A.; Lei, Y.; Martinez, I.; Meyer, N.; Peters, D.; Warrander, S.; Wright, A. et al.; Zupan, A.: Tri-plane diagrams for simple surfaces in S4. Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 32 (6), 2350041 (2023)
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Angelini-Knoll, G.; Ausoni, C.; Culver, D. L.; Höning, E.; Rognes, J.: Algebraic K-theory of elliptic cohomology. Geometry & Topology (accepted)
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Angelini-Knoll, G.; Culver, D. L.; Höning, E.: Topological Hochschild homology of truncated Brown-Peterson spectra I. Algebraic & Geometric Topology (accepted)
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Bae, Y.; Holmes, D.; Pandharipande, R.; Schmitt, J.; Schwarz, R.: Pixton's formula and Abel-Jacobi theory on the Picard stack. Acta Mathematica 230 (2), pp. 205 - 319 (2023)
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Bajpai, J.; Nitsche, M.: Thin monodromy in O(5). Annales mathématiques du Québec (accepted)
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