Journal Article (6132)

Journal Article
Finashin, S.; Kharlamov, V.: On wall-crossing invariance of certain sums of Welschinger numbers. Selecta Mathematica 29 (3), 41 (2023)
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Fioravanti, E.: On automorphisms and splittings of special groups. Compositio Mathematica 159 (2), pp. 232 - 305 (2023)
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Fioravanti, E.: Convex cores for actions on finite-rank median algebras. Annales de l'Institut Fourier (accepted)
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Flake, J.; Harman, N.; Laugwitz, R.: The indecomposable objects in the center of Deligne's category Rep St. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 126 (4), pp. 1134 - 1181 (2023)
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Flake, J.; Laugwitz, R.; Posur, S.: Indecomposable objects in Khovanov-Sazdanovic's generalizations of Deligne's interpolation categories. Advances in Mathematics 415, 108892 (2023)
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Flicker, Y. Z.: Affine Super Schur Duality. Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 59 (1), pp. 153 - 202 (2023)
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Flicker, Y. Z.; Özkan, E.: Local systems with tame, and a unipotent, local monodromy. São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences 17 (2), pp. 465 - 482 (2023)
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Fock, V.; Tatitscheff, V.; Thomas, A.: Topological quantum field theories from Hecke algebras. Representation Theory 27, pp. 248 - 291 (2023)
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Folsom, A.; Males, J.; Rolen, L.: Equidistribution and partition polynomials. Ramanujan Journal (accepted)
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Frey, J.; Rasekh, N.: Constructing coproducts in locally Cartesian closed ∞-categories. Homology, Homotopy and Applications 25 (1), pp. 71 - 86 (2023)
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Friedman, G.; Medina-Mardones, A. M.; Sinha, D.: Flowing from intersection product to cup product. Journal of Topology and Analysis (accepted)
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Funke, J.; Kudla, S.: Indefinite theta series: the case of an N -gon. Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly 19 (1), pp. 191 - 231 (2023)
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Gagna, A.; Ozornova, V.; Rovelli, M.: Nerves and cones of free loop-free ω-categories. Tunisian Journal of Mathematics 5 (2), pp. 273 - 326 (2023)
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Ganguly, S.; Rajan, C. S.: Singular Gauss sums, Polya–Vinogradov inequality for GL(2) and growth of primitive elements. Mathematische Annalen 386 (1-2), pp. 943 - 985 (2023)
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Gao, H.: Breuil-Kisin modules and integral p-adic Hodge theory. Journal of the European Mathematical Society 25 (10), pp. 3979 - 4032 (2023)
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Garoufalidis, S.; Gu, J.; Marino, M.: Peacock patterns and resurgence in complex Chern-Simons theory. Research in the Mathematical Sciences 10 (3), 29 (2023)
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Garoufalidis, S.; Yoon, S.: Twisted Neumann-Zagier matrices. Research in the Mathematical Sciences 10 (4), 37 (2023)
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Garoufalidis, S.; Zagier, D.: Knots and their related q-series. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 19, 082 (2023)
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Gateva-Ivanova, T.: Segre products and Segre morphisms in a class of Yang-Baxter algebras. Letters in Mathematical Physics 113 (2), 34 (2023)
Journal Article
Gauniyal, N.: Haefliger's approach for spherical knots modulo immersions. Homology, Homotopy and Applications 25 (2), pp. 55 - 73 (2023)
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