Journal Article (4971)

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Boll, R.; Anielski, D.; Bostedt, C.; Bozek, J. D.; Christensen, L.; Coffee, R.; De, S.; Decleva, P.; Epp, S. W.; Erk, B. et al.; Foucar, L.; Krasniqi, F.; Küpper, J.; Rouzée, A.; Rudek, B.; Rudenko, A.; Schorb, S.; Stapelfeldt, H.; Stener, M.; Stern, S.; Techert, S.; Trippel, S.; Vrakking, M. J. J.; Ullrich, J.; Rolles, D.: Femtosecond photoelectron diffraction on laser-aligned molecules: Towards time-resolved imaging of molecular structure. Physical Review A 88 (6), 88.061402, pp. 1 - 5 (2013)
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