Thesis - PhD (392)

Thesis - PhD
Bröhan, D. A.: Analysis of Arctic sea-ice leads from Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer. Dissertation, 74, XXX pp., Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (2014)
Thesis - PhD
Neubersch, D.: Value of information under climate targets: an application of cost-risk analysis. Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (2014)
Thesis - PhD
Blome, T.: Influence of different permafrost processes on the large-scale energy and water cycles over Siberia. Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (2014)
Thesis - PhD
Cheedela, S.-K.: Single column models and low cloud feedbacks. Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (2014)
Thesis - PhD
Krismer, T.: Wave-mean flow interactions driving the quasi-biennial oscillation in ECHAM6. Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (2014)
Thesis - PhD
Lonitz, K.: Susceptibility of trade wind cumulus clouds to precipitation. Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (2014)
Thesis - PhD
Polkova, I.: Impact of initialization procedures on the predictive skill of a coupled ocean-atmosphere model and related mechanisms for predictability. Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (2014)
Thesis - PhD
Choi, H. S.: A stochastic model for options and strategies for the Spanish agricultural sector under climate change. Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (2014)
Thesis - PhD
Griewank, P. J.: A 1D model study of brine dynamics in sea ice. Dissertation, 89 pp., Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (2014)
Thesis - PhD
Popp, M.: Climate instabilities under strong solar forcing. Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (2014)
Thesis - PhD
Schemann, V.: Towards a scale aware cloud process parameterization for global climate models. Dissertation, 137 pp., Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (2014)
Thesis - PhD
Dass , P.: The role of bioenergy production in the terrestrial carbon cycle and energy balance. Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (2013)
Thesis - PhD
Peng, J.: Estimation of evapotranspiration using satellite TOA radiances. Dissertation, 107 pp., Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (2013)
Thesis - PhD
Bunzel, F.: Numerical studies of stratosphere-troposphere dynamical coupling in a changing climate. Dissertation, 139 pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2013)
Thesis - PhD
Dahms, E.: Climate and climate variability in an aquaplanet set-up. Dissertation, 193 pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2013)
Thesis - PhD
Radermacher, C.: Causes for regional changes in heavy precipitation over Europe. Dissertation, 132 pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2013)
Thesis - PhD
Weerasinghe, H.: Designing a dynamically integrated water management scheme as an adaptation strategy for global change induced water stress. Dissertation, 155 pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2013)
Thesis - PhD
Ziemen, F.: Glacial climate variability. Dissertation, 141 pp., Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (2013)
Thesis - PhD
Ambadan, J.-T.: Evaluation of stochastic kinetic energy backscatter in the GME Ensemble Prediction System. Dissertation, Hamburg University, Hamburg (2013)
Thesis - PhD
Bathiany, S.: Analysis of multistability and abrupt transitions - method studies with a global atmosphere-vegetation model simulating the end of the African Humid Period. Dissertation, 101 pp., Hamburg University, Hamburg (2013)
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