Working Paper (199)

Working Paper
Peters, G.; Claussen, M.; Lohse, H.; Grelle, A.; Kornblueh, L.; Fischer, B.: The ice floe station. Berichte aus dem Zentrum für Meeres- und Klimaforschung, Reihe A 11 pp. 24 - 38 (1993)
Working Paper
Santer , B. D.; Cubasch, U.; Mikolajewicz, U.; Hegerl, G.: The use of general circulation models in detecting climate change induced by greenhouse gases. PCMDI Report 10 (1993)
Working Paper
Timm, R.; Bakan, S.; Brecht, H. H.: Cloud particle measurements. Berichte aus dem Zentrum für Meeres- und Klimaforschung, Reihe A 11 (Arktis 1993) pp. 139 - 146 (1993)
Working Paper
von Storch, H.; Perlwitz, J.; Guddal, J.; Iden, K. A.; Reistad, M.; Jönsson, T.; de Ronde, J.; Schmidt, H.; Zorita, E.: Changing statistics of storms in the North Atlantic? Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie 116 (1993)
Working Paper
Latif, M.; Barnett, T. P.; Mizuno, K.: Modal structure of variations in the tropical climate system - Part 1: Observations. Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie 91 (1992)
Working Paper
Bakan, S.; Schwarz, E.: Observations of cellular convection over the north-eastern Atlantic. International Journal of Climatology 12 pp. 353 - 367 (1992)
Working Paper
Bakan, S.; Graf, H. F.; Latif, M.; Schult, I.: Klimamodellrechnungen für eine besonders getrübte Atmosphäre. Jahrbuch / Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 1992 pp. 437 - 441 (1992)
Working Paper
Dümenil, L.; Raschke, E.: Proceedings of the Workshop on New Generation of Radiation Budget Measurements from Space and their use in Climate Modelling and Diagnostic Studies. Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie 090 (1992)
Working Paper
Grieger, B.: Orbital tuning of marine sedimentary cores: An automatic procedure based on a general linear model. Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie 079 (1992)
Working Paper
Günther, H.; Hasselmann, S.; Janssen , P.A.E.M.: The WAM model cycle 4 (revised version). Technical Report / Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum 4 (1992)
Working Paper
Latif, M.; Flügel, M.; Barnett, T. P.; Graham, N. E.: Modal structure of variations in the tropical climate system. Part II: Origins of the LF mode. Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie 096 (1992)
Working Paper
Maier-Reimer, E.; Heinze, C.: The Hamburg ocean carbon cycle circulation model. Technical Report / Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum 5 (1992)
Working Paper
Roeckner, E.; Arpe, K.; Bengtsson, L.; Brinkop, S.; Dümenil, L.; Esch, M.; Kirk, E.; Lunkeit, F.; Ponater, M.; Rockel, B. et al.; Sausen, R.; Schleese, U.; Schubert, S.; Windelband, M.: Simulation of the present-day climate with the ECHAM model: Impact of model physics and resolution. Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie 93 (1992)
Working Paper
Stoessel, A.; Brechner Owens, W.: The Hamburg sea-ice model - Revision 1. Technical Report / Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum 3 (1992)
Working Paper
Bösenberg, J.: A differential absorption lidar system for high resolution water vapor measurements in the troposphere. Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie 071 (1991)
Working Paper
Cubasch, U.; Santer, B.; Höck, H.; Mikolajewicz, U.; Maier-Reimer, E.; Hasselmann, K.: Modellierung des anthropogenen Treibhauseffekts mit globalen gekoppelten Ozean-Atmosphären-Modellen. Jahrbuch / Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 1991 pp. 425 - 429 (1991)
Working Paper
Gallagher, F.; von Storch, H.; Schnur, R.; Hannoschöck, G.: The POP manual (POPs=Principal Oscillation Patterns) - Version 3.0. Technical Report / Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum 01 (1991)
Working Paper
Maier-Reimer, E.; Mikolajewicz, U.: The Hamburg Large Scale Geostrophic Ocean General Circulation Model (Cycle 1). Technical Report / Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum 2 (1991)
Working Paper
Stössel, A.: Southern Ocean sea-ice simulations forced with operationally derived atmospheric analyses data. Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie 065 (1991)
Working Paper
Von Storch, H.; Smallegange, A.: The phase of the 30- To 60-day ocscillation and the geneseis of tropical cyclones in the Western Pacific. Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie 66 (1991)
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