Book Chapter (948)

Book Chapter
Voirin, B.; Kays, R.; Wikelski, M.; Lowman, M.: Why do sloths poop on the ground? In: Treetops at risk. Challenges of global canopy ecology and conservation, pp. 195 - 199 (Eds. Lowman, M.; Devy, S.; Ganesh, T.). Springer-Verlag, New York (2013)
Book Chapter
Wickler, W.: Die ganze belebte Schöpfung ist auf Konkurrenz und Konflikt angelegt. Ein Bewertungsproblem. In: Konflikte um Ressourcen – Kriege um Wahrheit, pp. 373 - 413 (Ed. Hoff, G. M.). Alber Verlag, Freiburg (2013)
Book Chapter
Buchanan, K. L.; Partecke, J.: The endocrine system: Can homeostasis be maintained in a changing world? In: Behavioural responses to a changing world: Mechanisms and consequences, pp. 32 - 45 (Eds. Candolin, U.; Wong, B. B. M.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2012)
Book Chapter
Dall, S. R. X.; Gosling, S. D.; Dingemanse, N. J.; Erev, I.; Kocher, M.; Schulz, L.; Todd, P. M.; Weissing, F. J.; Wolf, M.: Variation in decision making. In: Evolving the mechanisms of decision making: Toward a Darwinian decision theory, Vol. 11, pp. 243 - 272 (Eds. Hammerstein, P.; Stevens, J. R.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (2012)
Book Chapter
Dingemanse, N. J.; Wolf, M.: Biological analogs of personality. In: Evolving the mechanisms of decision making: Toward a Darwinian decision theory, Vol. 11, pp. 217 - 226 (Eds. Hammerstein, P.; Stevens, J. R.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (2012)
Book Chapter
Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I.: Universalien. In: Im Spiegel der Anderen. Forschungen zum gemeinsamen Erbe der Menschen (Ed. Stadtmuseum Ingolstadt) (2012)
Book Chapter
Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I.: Die Evolution von Familie und Solidarität. In: Im Spiegel der Anderen. Forschungen zum gemeinsamen Erbe der Menschen (Ed. Stadtmuseum Ingolstadt) (2012)
Book Chapter
Gwinner, E.; Helm, B.; Koolhaas, A.; Battley, P.; Schwabl, I.; Dekinga, A.; Piersma, T.: Avian migration: Temporal multitasking anda case study of melatonin cycles in waders. In: Progress in brain research, Vol. 199, pp. 457 - 479 (Eds. Kalsbeek, A.; Merrow, M.; Roenneberg, T.; Foster, R. G.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (2012)
Book Chapter
Hopkins, W.D.; Pika, S.; Liebal, K.; Bania, A.; Meguerditchian, A.; Gardner, M.; Schapiro, S. J.: Handedness for manual gestures in great apes. In: Developments in primate gesture research, pp. 93 - 112 (Eds. Pika, S.; Liebal, K.). John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam (2012)
Book Chapter
Hutchinson, J. M.; Stephens, D. W.; Bateson, M.; Couzin, I. D.; Dukas, R.; Giraldeau, L.-A.; Hills, T. T.; Méry, F.; Winterhalder, B.: Searching for fundamentals and commonalities of search. In: Cognitive search: Evolution, algorithms and the brain, pp. 47 - 68 (Eds. Todd, P. M.; Hills, T. T.; Robbins, T. W.). The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass (2012)
Book Chapter
Liebal, K.; Pika, S.: Where next? In: Developments in primate gesture research, pp. 241 - 252 (Eds. Pika, S.; Liebal, K.). John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam (2012)
Book Chapter
Martins, A.; Capaldi, E. J.: Animal cognition. In: Handbook of psychology, Vol. 4: Experimental Psychology, pp. 393 - 418 (Ed. Weiner, I. B.). John Wiley and Sons, New York (2012)
Book Chapter
Pika, S.; Liebal, K.: Introduction. In: Developments in primate gesture research, pp. 1 - 12 (Eds. Pika, S.; Liebal, K.). John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam (2012)
Book Chapter
Rattenborg, N. C.: Convergent evolution of REM sleep in mammals and birds. In: Encyclopedia of sleep and dreams, pp. 169 - 171 (Eds. Barrett, D.; McNamara, P.). Greenwood, Santa Barbara (2012)
Book Chapter
Scott, N.; Pika, S.: A call for conformity. In: Developments in primate gesture research, pp. 147 - 164 (Eds. Pika, S.; Liebal, K.). John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam (2012)
Book Chapter
Stephens, D. W.; Couzin, I. D.; Giraldeau, L. A.: Ecological and behavioral approaches to search behavior. In: Cognitive search: Evolution, algorithms and the brain, pp. 25 - 46 (Eds. Todd, P. M.; Hill, T. T.; Robins, T. W.). MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass (2012)
Book Chapter
Wilkinson, R.; Leudar, I.; Pika, S.: Requesting behaviors within episodes of active sharing. In: Developments in primate gesture research, pp. 199 - 222 (Eds. Pika, S.; Liebal, K.). John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam (2012)
Book Chapter
Bauer, H.-G.: Puffinus griseus (J. F. Gmelin, 1789) – Dunkler Sturmtaucher. In: Die Vögel Baden-Württembergs, Band 2.0, Nicht-Singvögel 1.1. Rheidae (Nandus) - Phoenicopteridae (Flamingos), pp. 113 - 114 (Eds. Hölzinger, J.; Bauer, H.-G.). Ulmer, Stuttgart (2011)
Book Chapter
Bauer, H.-G.: Puffinus mauretanicus (P. R. Lowe, 1921) – Balearensturmtaucher. In: Die Vögel Baden-Württembergs, Band 2.0, Nicht-Singvögel 1.1. Rheidae (Nandus) - Phoenicopteridae (Flamingos), p. 116 - 116 (Eds. Hölzinger, J.; Bauer, H.-G.). Ulmer, Stuttgart (2011)
Book Chapter
Bauer, H.-G.: Anhinga rufa (Daudin, 1802) – Afrikanischer Schlangenhalsvogel. In: Die Vögel Baden-Württembergs, Band 2.0, Nicht-Singvögel 1.1. Rheidae (Nandus) - Phoenicopteridae (Flamingos), pp. 158 - 159 (Eds. Hölzinger, J.; Bauer, H.-G.). Ulmer, Stuttgart (2011)
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