Book Chapter (71)

Book Chapter
Roccaro, M.; Somssich, I. E.: Chromatin immunoprecipitation to identify global targets of WRKY transcription factor family members involved in plant immunity. In: Plant Immunity - Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology 712), Vol. 712, pp. 45 - 58 (Ed. McDowell, J. M.). Humana Press, New York (2011)
Book Chapter
Albani, M.; Coupland, G.: Comparative Analysis of Flowering in Annual and Perennial Plants. In: Plant Development, pp. 323 - 348 (Ed. Timmermans, M. C. P.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (2010)
Book Chapter
Goebel, U.; Reimer, J. J.; Turck, F.: Genome-Wide Mapping of Protein-DNA Interaction by Chromatin Immunoprecipitation and DNA Microarray Hybridization (ChIP-chip). Part B: ChIP-chip Data Analysis. In: Plant Epigenetics, 10.1007/978-1-60761-646-7_13, pp. 161 - 184 (Eds. Kovalchuk, I.; Zemp, F. J.). Humana Press, New York (2010)
Book Chapter
Reimer, J. J.; Turck, F.: Genome-Wide Mapping of Protein-DNA Interaction by Chromatin Immunoprecipitation and DNA Microarray Hybridization (ChIP-chip). Part A: ChIP-chip Molecular Methods. In: Plant Epigenetics, 10.1007/978-1-60761-646-7_12, pp. 139 - 160 (Eds. Kovalchuk, I.; Zemp, F. J.). Humana Press, New York (2010)
Book Chapter
Zobell, O.; Reiss, B.: Gene targeting as a precise tool for plant mutagenesis. In: The Handbook of Plant Mutation Screening: Mining of Natural and Induced Alleles, pp. 263 - 286 (Eds. Meksem, K.; Kahl, G.). Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim (2010)
Book Chapter
Lorek, J.; Huckelhoven, R.; Panstruga, R.: The role of seven-transmembrane domain MLO proteins, heterotrimeric G-proteins, and monomeric RAC/ROPs in plant defense. In: Integrated G Proteins Signaling in Plants, pp. 197 - 220 (Eds. Yalovsky, S.; Baluska, F.; Jones, A.). Springer, Heidelberg (2009)
Book Chapter
Bednarek, P.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Role of plant secondary metabolites at the host-pathogen interface. In: Molecular Aspects of Plant Disease Resistance, pp. 220 - 260 (Ed. Parker, J.). Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford (2008)
Book Chapter
Bentsink, L.; Koornneef, M.: Seed Dormancy and Germination. In: The Arabidopsis Book, doi: 10.1199/tab.0119 (2008)
Book Chapter
Goncharov, N. P.; Golovnina, K. A.; Kilian, B.; Glushkov, S.; Blinov, A.; Shumny, V. K.: Evolutionary history of wheats - the main cereal of mankind. In: Biosphere Origin and Evolution, pp. 407 - 419 (Eds. Dobretsov; N.; N., K.; A., R.; G., Z.). Springer, New York (2008)
Book Chapter
Rietz, S.; Parker, J. E.: Plant Disease and Defence. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, 10.1002/9780470015902.a0004036. Elsevier (2007)
Book Chapter
Chinchilla, D.; Boller, T.; Robatzek, S.: Flagellin signaling in plant immunity. In: Current Topics in Innate Immunity, pp. 358 - 371 (Ed. Lambris, J.D. (.).). Springer, New York (2007)
Book Chapter
Ozkan, H.; Brandolini, A.; Torun, A.; Altintas, S.; Eker, S.; Kilian, B.; Braun, H.; Salamini, F.; Cakmak, I.: Natural variation and identification of microelements content in seeds of einkorn wheat (Triticum monococcum). In: Wheat Production in Stressed Environments, pp. 455 - 462 (Eds. Buck, H. T.; Nisi Salomon N., J. E.). Springer, Dordrecht (2007)
Book Chapter
Bentsink, L.; Soppe, W.; Koornneef, M.: Genetics aspects of seed dormancy. In: Seed Development, Dormancy and Germination, pp. 113 - 132 (Eds. Bradford; J., K.; H., N.). Blackwell Publishing, Oxford (2007)
Book Chapter
Gebhardt, C.: Molecular markers, maps and population genetics. In: Potato Biology and Biotechnology: Advances and Perspectives, pp. 77 - 86 (Eds. D, V.; J, B.; C, G.; F., G.; D.K.L., M. et al.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (2007)
Book Chapter
Hilhorst, H. W.; Koornneef, M.: Dormancy in Plants. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, 10.1002/9780470015902.a0002045. Elsevier (2007)
Book Chapter
Loennig, W.-E.; Becker, H. A.: Carnivorous plants. In: Handbook of Plant Science Vol. 2, pp. 1493 - 1498 (Ed. Roberts, K.). Wiley & Sons, Hoboken (2007)
Book Chapter
Struik, P. C.; Cassmann, K. G.; Koornneef, M.: A dialogue on interdisciplinary collaboration to bridge the gap between plant genomics and crop sciences. In: Scale and Complexity in Plant Systems Research: Gene-Plant-Crop Relations, pp. 319 - 328 (Eds. Spiertz, J.H.J.; Struik, P.C.; Laar, H.H. v.). Springer, Dordrecht (2007)
Book Chapter
Alonso-Blanco, C.; Koornneef, M.; van Ooijen, J. W.: QTL Analysis. In: Arabidopsis protocols, pp. 79 - 99 (Eds. Sanchez-Serrano, J. J.; Salinas, J.). Humana Press, Totowa (2006)
Book Chapter
Koornneef, M.; Alonso-Blanco, C.; Stam, P.: Genetic analysis. In: Arabidopsis Protocols, pp. 65 - 78 (Eds. Sanchez-Serrano, J. J.; Salinas, J.). Humana Press, Totowa (2006)
Book Chapter
Coupland, G.: The molecular genetics of photo-periodic responses: comparisons between long-day and short-day species. In: Photomorphogenesis in Plants and Bacteria, pp. 605 - 625 (Eds. Schäfer; E.; F., N.). Springer, Dordrecht (2006)
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