Book Chapter (121)

Book Chapter
Pohl, T.; Pattard, T.; Rost, J. M.: Ionization and recombination dynamics of an expanding ultracold Rydberg gas. In: Interactions in ultracold gases: from atoms to molecules, pp. 399 - 401 (Ed. Weidemüller, M.). Wiley, Weinheim (2003)
Book Chapter
Wellens, T.; Buchleitner, A.: Quantum State Control in Cavity QED. In: Dynamics of dissipation, pp. 351 - 376 (Ed. Garbaczewski, P.). Springer, Berlin (2003)
Book Chapter
Zimmermann, R.; Runge, E.; Savona, V.: Theory of resonant secondary emission: Rayleigh scattering versus luminescence. In: Quantum coherence, correlation and decoherence in semiconductor nanostructures, pp. 89 - 165 (Ed. Takagahara, T.). Acad. Press, Amsterdam (2003)
Book Chapter
Chatterji, T.: Elastic and inelastic magnetic scattering of neutrons. In: Scattering, pp. 1174 - 1197 (Eds. Pike, R.; Sabatier, P.). Academic Press, San Diego (2002)
Book Chapter
Chatterji, T.; Jackeli, G.; Shannon, N.: Spin dynamics of bilayer manganites. In: Colossal magnetoresistive manganites, pp. 329 - 388 (Ed. Chatterji, T.). Kluwer, Dordrecht (2002)
Book Chapter
Cuniberti, G.; Großmann, F.; Gutiérrez, R.: The Role of Contacts in Molecular Electronics. In: Advances in Solid State Physics, pp. 133 - 149 (Ed. Kramer, B.). Springer, Heidelberg (2002)
Book Chapter
Fagas, G.; Cuniberti, G.; Richter, K.: Molecular wire-nanotube interfacial effects on electron transport. In: Molecular Electronics II, pp. 216 - 224 (Ed. Aviram, A.). The New York Academy of Sciences, New York (2002)
Book Chapter
Fulde, P.: Origins of heavy quasiparticles. In: Electron correlations and materials properties 2, pp. 111 - 118 (Ed. Gonis, A.). Kluwer, Dordrecht (2002)
Book Chapter
Klemm, R. A.: Theory of BSCCO bicrystal c-axis twist Josephson junctions: A new phase-sensitive test of order parameter symmetry. In: New Trends in Superconductivity, pp. 85 - 94 (Eds. Annett, J. F.; Kruchinin, S.). Kluwer, Dordrecht (2002)
Book Chapter
Wiesenfeld, K.; Wellens, T.; Buchleitner, A.: Stochastic Resonance. In: Coherent Evolution in Noisy Environments, pp. 107 - 138 (Eds. Buchleitner, A.; Hornberger, K.). Springer, Berlin (2002)
Book Chapter
Ziesche, P.: Density-matrix functional theory and the high-density electron gas. In: Electron correlations and materials properties 2, pp. 307 - 323 (Eds. Gonis; A.; Kioussis; N.; M.Ciftan). Kluwer, Dordrecht (2002)
Book Chapter
Mikhailov, S. A.: Edge and Inter-Edge Magnetoplasmons in Two-Dimensional Electron Systems. In: Edge excitation of low-dimensional charged systems, pp. 1 - 47. Nova Science Publishers Inc., Huntington (2001)
Book Chapter
Mikhailov, S. A.: Parametric Excitation of the Edge and Bulk Magnetoplasmons in Low-Dimensional Electron Systems. In: Edge excitation of low-dimensional charged systems, pp. 171 - 198. Nova Science Publishers Inc., Huntington (2001)
Book Chapter
Flach, S.: Discrete breathers - recent results and applications. In: Nonlinearity, integrability and all that: Twenty years after NEEDS '79, pp. 389 - 395. World Scientific, Singapore (2000)
Book Chapter
Schulz, H. J.; Cuniberti, G.; Pieri, P.: Fermi Liquids and Luttinger Liquids. In: Field Theories for Low-Dimensional Condensed Matter Systems, pp. 9 - 81. Springer, Berlin (2000)
Book Chapter
Ziesche, P.: Cumulant Expansions of Reduced Densities, Reduced Density Matrices, and Green's Functions. In: Many-Electron Densities and Reduced Density Matrices, pp. 33 - 56. Kluwer/Plenum, New York (2000)
Book Chapter
Bär, M.; Falcke, M.; Or-Guil, M.: Mechanism of Spiral Breakup in Chemical and Biological Reaction-Diffusion Models. In: Transport and structure, pp. 326 - 348. Springer, Berlin (1999)
Book Chapter
Cuniberti, G.; Fechner, A.; Sassetti, M.; Kramer, B.: Anomalous Tien-Gordon Scaling in a 1D Junction. In: 7th International Specialist Workshop nonlinear dynamics of electronic systems, pp. 107 - 110. Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (1999)
Book Chapter
Eggers, H. C.; Greiner, M.; Lipa, P.: Analytical solution for multivariate statistics in random multiplicative cascades. In: Correlations and Fluctuations '98, pp. 264 - 271. World Scientific, Singapore (1999)
Book Chapter
Falcke, M.: Inositol 1,4,5-trisposphate Induced Calcium Waves. In: Transport and structure, pp. 164 - 190. Springer, Berlin (1999)
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