Thesis - PhD (175)

Thesis - PhD
Lünsmann, B.: Detection of Coherent Structures in Two-Dimensional Oceanic Flows: On Improvements of the Transfer Operator Approach and Convexity as a Condition of Coherence. Dissertation, 123 pp., Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (2019)
Thesis - PhD
Ortmann, L.: Trajectory-based analyses of ultrafast strong field phenomena. Dissertation, 187 pp., Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (2019)
Thesis - PhD
Verresen, R.: Topology and Excitations in Low-Dimensional Quantum Matter. Dissertation, X, 179 pp., Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (2019)
Thesis - PhD
Seyboldt, R.: The dynamics of chemically active droplets. Dissertation, VII, 188 pp., Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (2019)
Thesis - PhD
Kruining, K. v.: Spin and helicity in structured waves for light and electrons. Dissertation, 123 pp., Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (2019)
Thesis - PhD
Müller, P.: Extreme value analysis of non-stationary time series: Quantifying climate change using observational data throughout Germany. Dissertation, 198 pp., Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (2019)
Thesis - PhD
Krüger, S.: Positioning of Droplets in Inhomogeneous Fluids. Dissertation, XVI, 131 pp., Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (2019)
Thesis - PhD
Javanmard, Y.: Strongly Correlated Systems: Transport, Entanglement and Dynamics. Dissertation, VI, 123 Seiten pp., Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (2018)
Thesis - PhD
Behrends, J.: Transport and Quantum Anomalies in Topological Semimetals. Dissertation, VII, 153 pp., Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (2018)
Thesis - PhD
Mietke, A.: Dynamics of active surfaces. Dissertation, XII, 149 Seiten pp., Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (2018)
Thesis - PhD
Gohlke, M.: Emergent Gauge Fields in Systems with Competing Interactions. Dissertation, VI, 159 pp., Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (2018)
Thesis - PhD
De Tomasi, G.: Characterization of ergodicity breaking in disordered quantum systems. Dissertation, VI, 142 pp., Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (2018)
Thesis - PhD
Sanz Mora, A.: Interfacing mechanical resonators with excited atoms. Dissertation, XIII, 130 Seiten pp., Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (2018)
Thesis - PhD
Scholich, A.: Biaxial Nematic Order in Liver Tissue. Dissertation, VI, 175 Seiten pp., Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (2018)
Thesis - PhD
Scholich, A.: Biaxial Nematic Order in Liver Tissue. Dissertation, VI, 175 Seiten pp., Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (2018)
Thesis - PhD
Xypakis, E.: Quantum Transport in Three Dimensional Topological Insulator Nanowires. Dissertation, VI, 58, VI Seiten pp., Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (2018)
Thesis - PhD
Xypakis, E.: Quantum Transport in Three Dimensional Topological Insulator Nanowires. Dissertation, VI, 58, VI Seiten pp., Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (2018)
Thesis - PhD
Zhang, P. P.: The hierarchy of pure states for calculating transport and optical properties of molecular aggregates. Dissertation, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (2018)
Thesis - PhD
Poenisch, W.: Dynamics of bacterial aggregates - theory guided by experiments. Dissertation, XVII, 151 pp., Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (2017)
Thesis - PhD
Roy, S.: Nonequilibrium and semiclassical dynamics in topological phases of quantum matter. Dissertation, 136 pp., Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (2017)
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