Journal Article (2815)

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Schmidt, J. P.: Trying to Square the Circle: Comparative Remarks on the Rights of the Surviving Spouse on Intestacy. Edinburgh Law Review 24, pp. 123 - 131 (2020)
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Mendrowski, C.; Janik, R.; Pollard, M. J.; Rapp, K.; Nessa, J. J.; Etezazian, S.; Ogunde, F.; Nußberger, B.; Ullah, I.; Roy, R. et al.; Effinowicz, R.; Arrendondo, R.; Crosato Neumann, A.: Digest of state practice: 1 January – 30 June 2020. Journal on the Use of Force and International Law 7, pp. 357 - 408 (2020)
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