Contribution to a Collected edition (1285)

Contribution to a Collected edition
Mestmäcker, E.-J.: The Development of German and European Competition Law with special Reference to the EU Commission’s Article 82 Guidance of 2008. In: European Competition Law: The Impact of the Commission’s Guidance on Article 102, pp. 25 - 62 (Ed. Pace, L. F.). Elgar, Cheltenham (2011)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Mestmäcker, E.-J.: Soziale Marktwirtschaft – Eine Theorie für den Finanzmarkt nach der Krise? In: Ökonomie versus Recht im Finanzmarkt?, pp. 13 - 26 (Eds. Kempf, E.; Lüderssen, K.; Volk, K.). De Gruyter, Berlin (2011)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Michaels, R.: The Functionalism of Legal Origins. In: Does Law Matter? On Law and Economic Growth, pp. 21 - 39 (Eds. Faure, M.; Smits, J.). Intersentia, Cambridge (2011)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Michaels, R.: Of Islands and the Ocean: The Two Rationalities of European Private Law. In: Foundations of European Private Law, pp. 139 - 158 (Eds. Brownsword, R.; Niglia, L.; Micklitz, H.-W.). Hart (2011)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Michaels, R.: Empagran's Empire: International Law and Statutory Interpretation in the U.S. Supreme Court of the Twenty-First Century. In: The U.S. Supreme Court and International Law: Continuity or Change?, pp. 533 - 546 (Eds. Sloss, D. L.; Ramsey, M. D.; Dodge, W. S.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2011)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Michaels, R.: Global Problems in Domestic Courts. In: The Law of the Future and the Future of the Law, pp. 167 - 177 (Eds. Muller, S.; Zouridis, S.; Frishman, M.; Kistemaker, L.). Torkel Opsahl, Oslo (2011)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Michaels, R.; Pauwelyn, J.: Conflict of Norms or Conflict of Laws?: Different Techniques in the Fragmentation of Public International Law. In: Multi-Sourced Equivalent Norms in International Law (Eds. Broude, T.; Shany, Y.). Hart (2011)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Reid, K. G.C.; de Waal, M. J.; Zimmermann, R.: Testamentary Formalities in Historical and Comparative Perspective. In: Comparative Succession Law, Vol. 1: Testamentary Formalities, 18, pp. 432 - 471 (Eds. Reid, K. G.C.; de Waal, M. J.; Zimmermann, R.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2011)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Röthel, A.: Institution und Intimität. In: Begegnungen im Recht, Ringvorlesung der Bucerius Law School zu Ehren von Karsten Schmidt anlässlich seines 70. Geburtstags, pp. 173 - 194 (Ed. Professorinnen u. Professoren der Bucerius Law School). Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen (2011)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Röthel, A.: Law of Succession and Testamentary Freedom in Germany. In: The Law of Succession: Testamentary Freedom – European Perspectives, pp. 155 - 166 (Eds. Anderson, M.; Arroyo i Amayuelas, E.). Europa Law Publishing, Groningen (2011)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Röthel, A.: Europarechtliche Vorgaben für das Technikrecht. In: Handbuch des Technikrechts, 2. Ed., pp. 201 - 235 (Eds. Schulte, M.; Schröder, R.). Springer Verlag, Heidelberg (2011)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Schmidt, J. P.: Testamentary Formalities in Latin America with particular reference to Brazil. In: Comparative Succession Law, Vol. 1: Testamentary Formalities, pp. 96 - 119 (Eds. Reid, K. G.C.; de Waal, M. J.; Zimmermann, R.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2011)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Schmidt, J. P.: Länderbericht Paraguay. In: Internationales Ehe- und Kindschaftsrecht, 193. Lf., pp. 1 - 79 (Eds. Bergmann, A.; Ferid, M.; Henrich, D.). Verlag für Standesamtswesen, Frankfurt am Main (2011)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Schmidt, J. P.; Pavon Piscitello, D.: Vorwort. In: Integração e Cidadania Europeia, pp. 1 - 2 (Eds. Richter, T.; Schmidt, R.). Saraiva, São Paulo (2011)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Siehr, K.: Internationales Zivilverfahrensrecht/Internationales Privatrecht. In: Wirtschaftsrecht Schweiz – EU. Überblick und Kommentar 2010/11, pp. 343 - 360 (Eds. Kellerhals, A.; Baumgartner, T.). Dike, Zürich/St. Gallen (2011)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Siehr, K.: Kulturgüter im internationalen Rechtsverkehr. In: Annales de droit privé 2010-2011, pp. 443 - 470 (Ed. L'Accademia dei Giusprivatisti Europei). Giuffré, Milano (2011)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Siehr, K.: Résumé. Denkmalschutz in Europa: Vergangenheit, Gegenwart. Zukunft. In: Denkmalschutz in Europa. Vergangenheit – Gegenwart – Zukunft, pp. 123 - 130 (Ed. Reichelt, G.). Jan Sramek, Wien (2011)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Siehr, K.: Peter Schlechtriem † Nachruf. In: Annales de droit privé 2010-2011, pp. 623 - 624 (Ed. L'Accademia dei Giusprivatisti Europei). Giuffré, Milano (2011)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Yassari, N.: The Islamic Mahr in German Courts. In: Embedding Mahr (Islamic dower) in the European Legal System, pp. 193 - 217 (Eds. Mehdi, R.; Nielsen, J. S.). DJØF Publishing, Kopenhagen (2011)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Yassari, N.: Testamentary Formalities in Islamic Law and their Reception in the Modern Laws of Islamic Countries. In: Comparative Succession Law, Vol. 1: Testamentary Formalities, pp. 282 - 304 (Eds. Reid, K. G. C.; de Waal, M. J.; Zimmermann, R.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2011)
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