Collected Edition (177)

Collected Edition
Fleischer, H.: Personengesellschaften im Rechtsvergleich. C.H. Beck, München (2021), XXX + 483 pp.
Collected Edition
Röthel, A.; Heiderhoff, B. (Eds.): Autonomie in der Familie – eine Schwärmerei? Wolfgang Metzner Verlag, Frankfurt (2021), 111 pp.
Collected Edition
Shirvindt, A.; Scherbakov, N. (Eds.): Opyty civilističeskogo issledovanija [Essays in Civil Law]. Statut, Moskau (2021), 490 pp.
Collected Edition
John, T.; Gulati, R.; Köhler, B. G. (Eds.): The Elgar Companion to the Hague Conference on Private International Law. Edward Elgar, Northampton (2020), 544 pp.
Collected Edition
Kästle-Lamparter, D.; Jansen, N.; Zimmermann, R. (Eds.): Juristische Kommentare: Ein internationaler Vergleich. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen (2020), XII + 520 pp.
Collected Edition
Reid, K. G. C.; de Waal, M. J.; Zimmermann, R. (Eds.): Comparative Succession Law, Bd. 3: Mandatory Family Protection. Oxford University Press, Oxford (2020), xxviii + 804 pp.
Collected Edition
MPI for Comparative and International Private Law, Max Planck Society (Ed.): Zur Amtseinführung von Ralf Michaels am 5. November 2019 im Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht. Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, Hamburg (2020), 36 pp.
Collected Edition
Miller, Riel (ed.), Transformer le futur: L'anticipation au XXIe siècle (Coordinated the French translation). Presses universitaires, Montréal 2020 (2020)
Collected Edition
Yassari, N.; Möller, L.-M.; Najm, M.-C. (Eds.): Filiation and the Protection of Parentless Children – Towards a Social Definition of the Family in Muslim Jurisdictions. Asser Press, Den Haag (2019), XI + 412 pp.
Collected Edition
Kurzynsky-Singer, E.; Kulms, R. (Eds.): Ukrainian Private Law and the European Area of Justice. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen (2019), XI + 321 pp.
Collected Edition
Shirvindt, A.; Scherbakov, N. (Eds.): Opyty civilističeskogo issledovanija [Essays in Civil Law]. Statut, Moskau (2019), 376 pp.
Collected Edition
Yamamoto, K.; Nishitani, Y.; Baum, H. (Eds.): Gegenwärtiger Stand und Aufgabe der Privatautonomie in Japan und Deutschland. Carl Heymanns Verlag, Köln (2019), VI + 168 pp.
Collected Edition
Fleischer, H.; Thiessen, J. (Eds.): Gesellschaftsrechts-Geschichten. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen (2018), XIII + 790 pp.
Collected Edition
Dernauer, M.; Baum, H.; Bälz, M. (Eds.): Information Duties – Japanese and German Private Law. Carl Heymanns Verlag, Köln (2018), VIII + 284 pp.
Collected Edition
Fleischer, H.; Kanda, H.; Kim, K. S.; Mülbert, P. (Eds.): Issues and Challenges in Corporate and Capital Market Law: Germany and East Asia. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen (2018), X + 286 pp.
Collected Edition
Baum, H.; Bälz, M.; Dernauer, M. (Eds.): Self-regulation in Private Law in Japan and Germany. Carl Heymanns Verlag, Köln (2018), VI + 282 pp.
Collected Edition
Zimmermann, R.; Patti, F. P.; Sirena, P.; Schulze, R. (Eds.): Diritto privato europeo. Testi di riferimento. Giappichelli, Torino (2018), X + 792 pp.
Collected Edition
Röthel, A.; Heiderhoff, B. (Eds.): Mehr Kinderrechte? Nutzen und Nachteil. Wolfgang Metzner Verlag, Frankfurt (2018), 125 pp.
Collected Edition
Shirvindt, A.; Scherbakov, N. (Eds.): Opyty civilističeskogo issledovanija [Essays in Civil Law]. Statut, Moskau (2018), 367 pp.
Collected Edition
Puchniak, D. W.; Baum, H.; Nottage, L. (Eds.): Independent Directors in Asia. A Historical, Contextual and Comparative Approach. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2017), 634 pp.
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