Contribution to a Commentary (276)

Contribution to a Commentary
Zimmermann, R.: Chapter 9: Particular Remedies for Non-Performance - Section 5: Damages and Interest. In: Commentaries on European Contract Laws, pp. 1432 - 1556 (Eds. Zimmermann, R.; Jansen, N.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2018)
Contribution to a Commentary
Zimmermann, R.: Chapter 14: Prescription. In: Commentaries on European Contract Laws, pp. 1823 - 1886 (Eds. Zimmermann, R.; Jansen, N.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2018)
Contribution to a Commentary
Zimmermann, R.: Introduction before Art. 1:101. In: Commentaries on European Contract Laws, pp. 19 - 26 (Eds. Zimmermann, R.; Jansen, N.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2018)
Contribution to a Commentary
Cools, S.: Article 34: Publication of Decisions. In: Market Abuse Regulation: Commentary and Annotated Guide, pp. 518 - 527 (Eds. Ventoruzzo, M.; Mock, S.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2017)
Contribution to a Commentary
Cools, S.: Article 33: Exchange of Information with ESMA. In: Market Abuse Regulation: Commentary and Annotated Guide, pp. 513 - 517 (Eds. Ventoruzzo, M.; Mock, S.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2017)
Contribution to a Commentary
Cools, S.: Article 32: Reporting of Infringements. In: Market Abuse Regulation: Commentary and Annotated Guide, pp. 499 - 512 (Eds. Ventoruzzo, M.; Mock, S.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2017)
Contribution to a Commentary
Cools, S.: Article 31: Exercise of Supervisory Powers and Imposition of Sanctions. In: Market Abuse Regulation: Commentary and Annotated Guide, pp. 492 - 498 (Eds. Ventoruzzo, M.; Mock, S.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2017)
Contribution to a Commentary
Cools, S.: Article 30: Administrative Sanctions and Other Administrative Measures. In: Market Abuse Regulation: Commentary and Annotated Guide, pp. 477 - 491 (Eds. Ventoruzzo, M.; Mock, S.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2017)
Contribution to a Commentary
Cools, S.: Public Enforcement of the Market Abuse Regulation. In: Market Abuse Regulation: Commentary and Annotated Guide, pp. 63 - 84 (Eds. Ventoruzzo, M.; Mock, S.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2017)
Contribution to a Commentary
Fleischer, H.: Systematische Darstellung 5: Die Finanzierung der GmbH. In: Kommentar zum GmbHG, Vol. I: §§ 1-34 GmbHG , 3. Ed., pp. 442 - 476 (Eds. Michalski, L.; Heidinger, A.; Leible, S.; Schmidt, J.). C.H. Beck oHG, München (2017)
Contribution to a Commentary
Hopt, K. J.; Kumpan, C.: Insider- und Ad-hoc-Publizitätsprobleme. In: Bankrechts-Handbuch, Vol. II, § 107, 5. Ed., pp. 1184 - 1286 (Eds. Schimansky, H.; Bunte, H.-J.; Lwowski, H.-J.). C.H. Beck, München (2017)
Contribution to a Commentary
Hopt, K. J.; Roth, M.: Die rechtliche Beziehung zwischen Bank und Kunden. In: Bankrechts-Handbuch, Vol. I, § 1, 5. Ed., pp. 1 - 18 (Eds. Schimansky, H.; Bunte, H.-J.; Lwowski, H.-J.). C.H. Beck, München (2017)
Contribution to a Commentary
Duden, K.: Kommentierung von Art. 17b, 19, 20, 21 EGBGB. In: Juris PraxisKommentar BGB, Vol. 6: Internationales Privatrecht und UN-Kaufrecht (Ed. Herberger, M.). Juris, Saarbrücken (2017)
Contribution to a Commentary
Wiedemann, D.: Kommentierung von Art. 8 und 24 EGBGB. In: Juris PraxisKommentar BGB, Vol. 6: Internationales Privatrecht und UN-Kaufrecht (Ed. Herberger, M.). Juris, Saarbrücken (2017)
Contribution to a Commentary
Siehr, K.: Art. 21 - 25 Brussels IIbis Regulation. In: European Commentaries on Private International Law. ECPIL: Commentary, Vol. IV: Brussels IIbis Regulation, pp. 281 - 314 (Eds. Magnus, U.; Mankowski, P.). Otto Schmidt, Köln (2017)
Contribution to a Commentary
Siehr, K.: Art. 23 - 27 ZPO. In: Basler Kommentar: Schweizerische Zivilprozessordnung, 3. Ed., pp. 154 - 180 (Eds. Spühler, K.; Tenchio, L.; Infanger, D.). Helbing Lichtenhahn, Basel (2017)
Contribution to a Commentary
Wiegandt, D.: Kommentierung des Art. 6 Rom II-VO. In: Juris PraxisKommentar BGB, Vol. 6: Internationales Privatrecht und UN-Kaufrecht (Ed. Würdinger, M.). Juris, Saarbrücken (2017)
Contribution to a Commentary
Fleischer, H.: Kommentierung zu §§ 312-318 AktG. In: Großkommentar Aktiengesetz, 4., neubearbeitete Aufl., 41. Lf., pp. 1 - 188 (Eds. Hopt, K. J.; Wiedemann, H.). de Gruyter, Berlin (2016)
Contribution to a Commentary
Fornasier, M.: Art. 40 bis 42 EGBGB (Internationales Deliktsrecht). In: Beck-Online Großkommentar Zivilrecht (Eds. Gsell, B.; Krüger, W.; Lorenz, S.; Mayer, J.). C.H. Beck, München (2016)
Contribution to a Commentary
Fornasier, M.: Kommentierung der Art. 62 bis 73 EuErbVO (Europäisches Nachlasszeugnis). In: Internationales Erbrecht, pp. 364 - 468 (Eds. Dutta, A.; Weber, J.). C.H. Beck, München (2016)
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