Book Chapter (1298)

Book Chapter
Levinson, S. C.: Maxim. In: Key terms in language and culture, pp. 139 - 142 (Ed. Duranti, S.). Blackwell, Oxford (2001)
Book Chapter
Levinson, S. C.: Motion Verb Stimulus (Moverb) version 2. In: Manual for the field season 2001, pp. 9 - 13 (Eds. Levinson, S. C.; Enfield, N. J.). Nijmegen: Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (2001)
Book Chapter
Levinson, S. C.; Bohnemeyer, J.; Enfield, N. J.: “Time and space” questionnaire for “space in thinking” subproject. In: Manual for the field season 2001, pp. 14 - 20 (Eds. Levinson, S. C.; Enfield, N. J.). Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen (2001)
Book Chapter
Levinson, S. C.; Enfield, N. J.: Preface and priorities. In: Manual for the field season 2001, p. 3 (Eds. Levinson, S. C.; Enfield, N. J.). Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen (2001)
Book Chapter
Levinson, S. C.; Enfield, N. J.; Senft, G.: Kinship domain for 'space in thinking' subproject. In: Manual for the field season 2001, pp. 85 - 88 (Eds. Levinson, S. C.; Enfield, N. J.). Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen (2001)
Book Chapter
Levinson, S. C.; Kita, S.; Enfield, N. J.: Locally-anchored narrative. In: Manual for the field season 2001, p. 147 (Eds. Levinson, S. C.; Enfield, N. J.). Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen (2001)
Book Chapter
Levinson, S. C.; Kita, S.; Ozyurek, A.: Demonstratives in context: Comparative handicrafts. In: Manual for the field season 2001, pp. 52 - 54 (Eds. Levinson, S. C.; Enfield, N. J.). Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen (2001)
Book Chapter
Levinson, S. C.; Wittenburg, P.: Language as cultural heritage - Promoting research and public awareness on the Internet. In: ECHO - An Infrastructure to Bring European Cultural Heritage Online, pp. 104 - 111 (Ed. Renn, J.). Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin (2001)
Book Chapter
Meira, S.; Levinson, S. C.: Topological tasks: General introduction. In: Manual for the field season 2001, pp. 29 - 51 (Eds. Levinson, S. C.; Enfield, N. J.). Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen (2001)
Book Chapter
Senft, G.: Kevalikuliku: Earthquake magic from the Tobriand Islands (for Unshakebles). In: The boy from Bundaberg: Studies in Melanesian linguistics in honour of Tom Dutton, pp. 323 - 331 (Eds. Pawley, A.; Ross, M.; Tryon, D.). Pacific Linguistics, Canberra (2001)
Book Chapter
Senft, G.: Das Präsentieren des Forschers im Felde: Eine Einführung auf den Trobriand Inseln. In: Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt: Zu Person und Werk, Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag, pp. 188 - 197 (Eds. Sütterlin, C.; Salter, F. S.). Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main (2001)
Book Chapter
Senft, G.: Sprache, Kognition und Konzepte des Raumes in verschiedenen Kulturen: Affiziert sprachliche Relativität die Philosophie? In: Wie wir die Welt erkennen: Erkenntnisweisen im interdisziplinären Diskurs, pp. 203 - 242 (Eds. Salwiczek, L.; Wickler, W.). Karl Alber, Freiburg (2001)
Book Chapter
Seuren, P. A. M.: Language and philosophy. In: International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences. Volume 12, pp. 8297 - 8303 (Eds. Smelser, N. J.; Baltes, P. B.). Elsevier, Amsterdam, NL (2001)
Book Chapter
Van Staden, M.; Senft, G.; Enfield, N. J.; Bohnemeyer, J.: Staged events. In: Manual for the field season 2001, pp. 115 - 125 (Eds. Levinson, S. C.; Enfield, N. J.). Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen (2001)
Book Chapter
Wilkins, D.: Eliciting contrastive use of demonstratives for objects within close personal space (all objects well within arm’s reach). In: Manual for the field season 2001, pp. 164 - 168 (Eds. Levinson, S. C.; Enfield, N. J.). Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen (2001)
Book Chapter
Wilkins, D.: The 1999 demonstrative questionnaire: “This” and “that” in comparative perspective. In: Manual for the field season 2001, pp. 149 - 163 (Eds. Levinson, S. C.; Enfield, N. J.). Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen (2001)
Book Chapter
Wilkins, D.; Kita, S.; Enfield, N. J.: Ethnography of pointing questionnaire version 2. In: Manual for the field season 2001, pp. 136 - 141 (Eds. Levinson, S. C.; Enfield, N. J.). Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen (2001)
Book Chapter
Bohnemeyer, J.: Where do pragmatic meanings come from? In: Samenhang in Diversiteit; Opstellen voor Leo Noorman, aangeboden bij gelegenheid van zijn zestigste verjaardag, pp. 137 - 153 (Eds. Spooren, W.; Sanders, T.; van Wijk, C.) (2000)
Book Chapter
Bowerman, M.: Where do children's word meanings come from? Rethinking the role of cognition in early semantic development. In: Culture, thought and development, pp. 199 - 230 (Eds. Nucci, L.P.; Saxe, G.; Turiel, E.). Lawrence Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ (2000)
Book Chapter
Brown, C. M.; Hagoort, P.: On the electrophysiology of language comprehension: Implications for the human language system. In: Architectures and mechanisms for language processing, pp. 213 - 237 (Eds. Crocker, M. W.; Pickering, M.; Clifton jr., C.). Cambridge University Press (2000)
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